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Accidentally swiped water on my face wearing aftershave

The alcohol evaporates quite quickly after application, as does the scent. Aftershave is applied for the alcohol's antiseptic properties as well as the masochist's burning sensation. The stink is just a bonus. Both properties and benefits dissipate very quickly. The application of water will hydrate your skin. Don't over-think it.
If you've already got the burn or the tingle from the aftershave, then it has served its purpose already.

If you want something that continues to work as an antibacterial coating, start using an alum block. I rub mine on my wet face, and armpits, immediately upon finishing the shave. And leave it on while I clean up the sink and put away my gear.

Then just before I get dressed, I apply witch hazel. By the time I am dressed, that is dry. Then I add an aftershave.

But remember I said armpits? Alum is the most effective deodorant I've ever used. Armpit odor is, essentially, caused by the excrement of bacteria. Alum creates a chemical environment in which bacteria cannot live. You'll find that when you wake up next morning you still won't have any armpit odor. And alum itself is odorless, so it will not clash with any scent you prefer to use.
I used to cut my Aqua Velva with 2/3 or 3/4 of witch hazel, and it was still too strong and long lasting. I don't think a little water will have much effect.
This morning I put Aqua Velva Ice Blue on my face after shaving. Later today, I accidentally swiped my wet hands on my face after washing my face. Will this affect my aftershave?
Once your aftershave has dried and any menthol effect has gone away, all your aftershave is doing is scenting your skin. Getting water on your face sometime after applying the aftershave is no biggie. If you feel like applying more aftershave, then do it.
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