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A Sad Departure with an Expected Happy Return

This is my favorite brush: my Savile Row 3824. Everything about it is just right except for just one thing. It's begun to shed. I've had it since Janaury and now it's starting to lose 2 to 4 hairs every shave. I contacted Charles as QED, and he gave me a return authorization number and said he would inspect it and likely just send me a new one as soon as he gets mine in the mail. Now that's great customer service!

I'm really bummed to be sending this brush away, but I know I'll have another one soon.

Post Sabbatical I will be acquiring on of those. I bought the QED Select (currently ranked #3 of the 14 brushes I have or have had) and I love it, so going back to Charles for one of these is a no-brainer.

Good luck with the return and be sure to update the thread when more info is available.
Charles is a great guy. I love my 3824 as well. No shedding issues with mine, thankfully. It's definitely a great all around brush and for guys who think "the denser the knot, the better", this brush will change your mind in a hurry.

I hope the time flies by until you get your new one..... I've been waiting on a few items lately and it's been wearing my patience a bit thin.

Very sad that this good looking brush has that problem
Great attitude from the store owner,Vie-Long and GiftsandCare show me the same and i am much obliged
Keep us informed for the end of the story
I hope the new brush to be a "perfect" one.
I have every confidence that the replacement will be just as good a brush. Charles was really great the way he handled this. He apologized for the hassle and promised to take care of it. I couldn't ask for more.
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My brush arrived at QED yesterday. I just got an email from USPS that Charles has already packed and created a shipping label for my replacement brush. I should have it in a few days. Way to go Charles!


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Glad to hear it worked out and this thread may be timely for me...I just finished my week rotation wiht my 3824 and noticed it was loosing a hair here, 2 here, 3 here. Mine has been in use/rotation for a year or so, and hopefully it's just a few straglers that fell out.

They sound like a great company and nice to know they stand behind their fantastic brushes. I hope to not have to send it away, but I'll keep an eye on it and track the hair lossage next rotation thru.

As stated above, the SR brushes may change your mind about needing an ultra dense and scrubby brush. My 3824 is one of the most comfortable handles and most luxurious knots.
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Great pics! Yeah, those tips will dry and curl and get crusty for sure..... but they are about the softest feeling tips you will ever experience during use when they are wet and full of lather. It looks like a winner.... hopefully no shedding issues like the last one. I have not had any shedding issues with mine for about the 6 months or so that I've had it. It's lost a hair or two here and there like any normal brush.... but no abnormal shedding to speak of. Still.... as bruce said, it's always good to hear when a company stands behind their product.


Great pics! Yeah, those tips will dry and curl and get crusty for sure..... but they are about the softest feeling tips you will ever experience during use when they are wet and full of lather. It looks like a winner.... hopefully no shedding issues like the last one. I have not had any shedding issues with mine for about the 6 months or so that I've had it. It's lost a hair or two here and there like any normal brush.... but no abnormal shedding to speak of. Still.... as bruce said, it's always good to hear when a company stands behind their product.



Charles was really easy to deal with on this. It was a totally hassle free process.


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I will make sure to buy a new one next time...My SR3824 is still shedding after numerous cleanings and combings. :confused1

Even though I am not the original owner, I am the first user (bought someones NIB backup) and it is not warrantied. I disclosed this info with my enquiry about the shedding and was told it is not covered. :sad:

Oh well, lesson learned...buy new next time.

How many cleaning and combinsg do you guys do, before giving up on a shedder? I've never really had a shedder outside an aftermarket knot that was replaced immediately.
I will make sure to buy a new one next time...My SR3824 is still shedding after numerous cleanings and combings. :confused1

Even though I am not the original owner, I am the first user (bought someones NIB backup) and it is not warrantied. I disclosed this info with my enquiry about the shedding and was told it is not covered. :sad:

Oh well, lesson learned...buy new next time.

How many cleaning and combinsg do you guys do, before giving up on a shedder? I've never really had a shedder outside an aftermarket knot that was replaced immediately.

I have a Wee that shed like mad when it was new. I combed it out several times but it did stop shedding. It shed a lot too. I probably combed a few hundred hairs out of that brush before it stabilized.


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I have a Wee that shed like mad when it was new. I combed it out several times but it did stop shedding. It shed a lot too. I probably combed a few hundred hairs out of that brush before it stabilized.

Thanks Foyle.

I've done 2-3 cleanings and combings bit will do a few more. What's the worst that could happen...it continues to shed :lol:
Unless you've got big hunks of hair coming out, you are probably not dealing with a defective brush. You probably just have one that's got a lot of loose hairs that need to be worked out.


System Generated
Unless you've got big hunks of hair coming out, you are probably not dealing with a defective brush. You probably just have one that's got a lot of loose hairs that need to be worked out.

No chunks...just loose strands that get loose, rise above and then come out.

I'll give it some more combings. I guess I can keep coming the heck out of it at this point.

I just some heavy combing here...and lost about 20 more hairs and then I kept going and going and going until it stopped. I then whipped up an aggressive test lather, hand lathered, rinsed and dried and no hairs came loose. I often find them when shaving but also during cleanup and the towel dry.

Maybe there is hope after all.
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There are so many hairs in that brush, even the odd bit of shedding would take a long time to have any appreciable effect on appearance, let alone performance. Used in rotation, multiply that by 10.
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