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a/s math

2.5 oz Avon's meh Leather cologne
+ 1 tsp Aramis EDT (found today for a quarter)
close approximation of Mem English Leather, only lighter and brighter

Experimenting with cheap scents is fun; sometimes it works, often it doesn't. If it doesn't, no real loss, down the sink it goes. I know you guys who go for the high end $$$ frags can't afford to mix it up like this, but with the cheap, common stuff, it can be something of a hobby to itself and results can be surprisingly OK. For instance,

3 oz Leather
1 oz old Skin Bracer
1 tsp Big Wheel (HK knockoff)
1 tbsp Everest (somewhat woodsy)
1 tbsp Island Lime (sharp citrus)
+ 2 drops of pure cedar
not sure, but the wife likes it (that's rare)

Am I really the only one here who does stupid stuff like this?
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I've only experimented by mixing Aqua Velva and Barbasol Pacific Rush. Not exactly a successful trial but it was interesting

Good luck and keep us updated if you find something exceptional.

You may want to purchase menthol crystals to spice things up a bit. You can also purchase essential oils from most natural grocery stores.
I've added EO to fragrances before but I can't say that I've ever engaged in wholesale mixing of stuff I already have. Do you plan the combinations out in advance, or just experiment as you go?
Good luck and keep us updated if you find something exceptional.

That's kind of the thing, though, given the quality (ahem) of ingredients I use, "exceptional" is very much in the nose of the beholder.

You may want to purchase menthol crystals to spice things up a bit. You can also purchase essential oils from most natural grocery stores.
I've checked 2 pharms locally and nix on the methol, so still looking. I do have a few EOs but they're pretty tricky to use; would like to find something the clary sage would go well with; didn't think it'd quite work with the 2nd concoction above.
Pinaud Lime Sec is way too sweet for me, but mix it 1 to 1 with Pinaud Bay Rum and it calms it down some. I have also mixed Lime Sec with 4711, about 2 parts 4711 to one part Sec.
Do you plan the combinations out in advance, or just experiment as you go?

Yes and yes, but mostly just a vague hunch followed by slap-dash willy-nilly combos. Not very scientific, I know. Two I will never incorporate into mixing, however, are my Burma Bey and OS Leather. Everything else is fair game.

BTW - I did drop some Island Lime into old Old Spice. It's ok, but I imagine there was more to the real thing than just OS with a twist of lime.
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I have also mixed Lime Sec with 4711, about 2 parts 4711 to one part Sec.

Since 4711 is already slightly citrusy, I can see that ending up not bad at all.

If you can find it cheap (I'm being a broken record here) Avon's Island Lime really does smell like sharp limes, not sweet, unlike Pinauds or Stephans. Lends itself well to liming up other scents.
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