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A question on dental work

Went for my 6 month checkup the other day, and everything was fine, no real problems. I say that with the knowledge that my dentist found that my 2 bottom second molar's, the last ones back there if you've had your wisdom teeth out, are starting to wear down. This as he told me is just a natural process of age and wear. The top molar's are fine, but the bottoms are wearing to the point that they could cause a problem at any time. My dentist says that to stop the problem I should have an overlay done on each tooth, or he could do a crown. He says either would be the way to go, and the cost would be the same. As they are the extreme back teeth he recommends doing the work in gold, which would be the same price as doing it in porcelain which would be white in color. The molar's next in have had gold crowns for the past 13 years, and have never given me any problems at all. My question is would I be better off doing a whole crown or just doing the overlay? I have all of my teeth, and other than the two crowns I now have, I've never really had any trouble with my teeth, and I'm 63 years old. I feel that if the cost is the same, and doing the prep work is the same for either the overlay or the crown, that I'd be better off getting the crowns, as I feel that the crown would cover the whole tooth and help to protect the tooth. Are there any members who are dentists, and can make a recommendation? How about any members who have any knowledge or experience with this? Just looking for any advice on how to proceed. I'm going in next week to start the work, and of course I'll discuss what would be the best way to go with my dentist.
Well I had my wisdon teeth pulled in my mid 20's and I'm glad did. It can cause major issues later on, it hurt like an SOB but that's what Vicodin is for LOL! Unfortunetly I just had one of my lower molers pulled because it cracked. Really sucked.

I have to wait 3 months for the jaw to heal and then it's the rather expensive process of getting an implant put in. Which takes about 6 months from start to finish. Of course most major health insurance plans cover very little of the prodeure because they consider it a cosmetic surgey like getting botox or nose job.
It sounds like you have an excellent Dentist, in my wife's opinion. My wife has practiced Dentistry for nearly 30 years so I value her opinion. She would recommend the gold onlay as there is far less removal of tooth structure involved doing an onlay vs. having a crown. Short answer - hope that helps.
Gold onlays are very good. It is what most dentists would pick for their own/family members mouths. Remember to stay open!
my wife had 3 of her 4 wisdom teeth pulled..they were always bothering her..have em out..my dentist told me only cavemen actually used em for additional chewing...not so much today...:lol:


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Why are they wearing down? Night time grinding? Or too many trips to the buffet line? Depending on the reason could you not just a night mouth guard to eliminate future wear if that is the cause?

As the poster child to for bad teenage and young adult dental hygiene, my mouth is full of Tucker style gold inlays. Gold is where it is at.

Edit: I just read that the Doc says natural wear and tear...but could it be grinding?
Why are they wearing down? Night time grinding? Or too many trips to the buffet line? Depending on the reason could you not just a night mouth guard to eliminate future wear if that is the cause?

As the poster child to for bad teenage and young adult dental hygiene, my mouth is full of Tucker style gold inlays. Gold is where it is at.

Edit: I just read that the Doc says natural wear and tear...but could it be grinding?

+100 on grinding, although if that were the case there'd be wear on the opposing teeth as well, and there'd also be gumline recession as the grinding applies pressure on the "seating" of the teeth (like moving a planted tree back and forth in the ground causes the soil to displace).
Why are they wearing down? Night time grinding? Or too many trips to the buffet line? Depending on the reason could you not just a night mouth guard to eliminate future wear if that is the cause?

As the poster child to for bad teenage and young adult dental hygiene, my mouth is full of Tucker style gold inlays. Gold is where it is at.

Edit: I just read that the Doc says natural wear and tear...but could it be grinding?

Nope, its just regular wear on those two back teeth. I've been wearing a mouth guard for years. The reason I asked about what to do is that I know about crowns, but I'd never heard of the onlay procedure. Based on what I've found out about onlays, that's probably what I'll have done, but of course I'll talk with my dentist. I do wonder though if the onlay is as good a fix as a crown?
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