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A question about the strop I just made

Hey all, I just finished making myself a strop. The leather is just over 3 inches wide and I also attached a secondary component that used to be a strap to carry skis with (it's very similar to a seat-belt) which I charged with some white buffing compound on the recommendation of this thread.

I got the leather from the scrap bin of a local craftsman for $10. He said that most of the leather in the bin was cowhide, but he didn't say anything about the specific piece I grabbed. So what I'm wondering is:

1. What kind of leather is this?

2. Is it any good for a strop?

3. Do I need to do anything to finish it? (sanding, soaking, etc...)


The reverse side:


The secondary component:

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a..... its is very very nice... and that leather will be just fine for what you need...

b.... make me one please.... :001_tt1:
a..... its is very very nice... and that leather will be just fine for what you need...

b.... make me one please.... :001_tt1:

Haha, sure! I'll trade something I made for something you made? :w00t:

... sorry, I cant help it! I've been drooling over all the razors you've made.
if it works it works, i just made one myself, 14 oz thick english bridle, i posted on here- i am putting a leather handle on it tomorrow,
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