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A (possibly) New Idea for Short-Loft Shavemacs

I own a 21mm/50mm custom Shavemac brush with D01 hair (Nacre handle aka white faux marble). The 20% discount deal on short-loft D01 brushes a while back (organized by huntmol), and the associated comments about those brushes got me wondering how a short-loft brush with Finest hair would compare. I recently received a 19mm/45mm Shavemac in Finest (Blue faux marble handle), so I would like to share my impressions of these two brushes.

Please note that when I say 45mm and 50mm loft, that is what I ordered, but there will always be a couple mm of variability in a handmade brush. With that said, my Finest brush's loft is approximately 2mm shorter than my D01's loft. I feel this is close enough to reasonably compare these brushes as short-lofts. Both brushes are bulb shaped.

I would like to qualify all that follows by saying that I know that I know YMMV applies, I admit this is all just my opinion, and I'm only presenting what I feel are the major differences between these hair grades used in short-loft brushes. I face lather 75% of the time, bowl lather the rest of the time, and I like small-diameter, short-loft, firm brushes. I use soaps 90+% of the time. Both of these brushes are wonderful for soaps and creams, as well as for face and bowl lathering, so that's all I'll say there.

Density: Both brushes are very dense. The D01 is, as expected, more densely packed. In fact, the main reason I wanted to try a short-loft in Finest was because of comments I've read about D01 being a lather hog. I always just use a lot of soap, and my D01 doesn't hog the lather. Operator error may be part of the issue some folks have with D01. The density of Finest hair does result in it releasing lather more easily... better flowthrough, so more density doesn't always equal better performance. Those new to dense, high-end brushes may find Finest's ease of use appealing. I think it's great. Finest also seems to require less soap. Probably a good thing.

Softness of tips: No surprise here. D01 tips are softer... barely. Shavemac Finest is in no way a scritchy hair grade. I think I may prefer the way Finest feels over D01, but that's a tough personal call. Finest sort of feels like broken-in Rooney Super at the tips. Soft but not too soft, if there is such a thing.

Again, D01 is stiffer, but it's density is likely responsible for that. Short-loft Finest is not at all floppy. The only brushes I've used that are stiffer are my Rooney 1/1 and D01. Finest chews up soaps, like Mitchell's Wool Fat, with the best of them.

Cost: Here's a major point. My 21mm/50mm D01 was $160 shipped to the US. My 19mm/50mm Finest was $80 shipped to the US. For a direct comparison, add about $15 to the cost of the Finest brush, to make it a 21mm knot, so you're looking at $95 shipped for a 21mm in Finest. For a difference of $65, I don't think D01 is worth it for a lot of people (heresy, I know). So you'll have to shell out about 68% more cash to go from Finest to D01 for marginally better performance.

I would say that those looking for a great all-around bowl and/or face lathering, soap and/or cream brush, should definitely consider a 19mm/45 to 50mm Shavemac in Finest. I don't feel anything is lost with the smaller knot Shavemacs. They perform like much larger brushes. Ask Slaglerock. I've seen him make similar comments. One would have to own these two brushes to feel the subtle differences, which are, for the money, pretty minor. Again, Finest seems to release lather more readily, so I'll say it may have the edge over D01 there.

I hope this helps assuage any concerns about Shavemac's Finest hair grade quality and performance as compared to D01 (and likely silvertip... I'm not buying another brush to find out). Finest is an all too often overlooked hair grade, in my opinion. If you can't justify spending over $100, and you want an amazing brush with whatever handle color and shape that strikes your fancy, this may be the brush for you.

Cheers! :biggrin:


p.s. - the handle shape on my Finest brush is the most comfortable I've ever used.
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Very nice. I ama big fan of shorter loft brushes. Now if I could get a 23mm with a 45-50mm loft, I'd be all ears. OR brushes. :smile:
Very nice. I ama big fan of shorter loft brushes. Now if I could get a 23mm with a 45-50mm loft, I'd be all ears. OR brushes. :smile:

I'm sure Bernd will make that for you! The more I think about it, the more I would recommend Finest with a 45mm loft. Shorter the better, to a point, with Finest.

I didn't mention it in the OP, but when I first laid eyes on the Finest brush above, pre-bloom, I was almost positive Bernd accidentally put a D01 knot in that handle. I had to use it, then use my D01 brush right after to note the differences, which are definitely there. However, if someone had never used D01, I would say get Finest and never worry that you're missing out on D01.

Bernd's Finest looks, feels, and performs as good or better than some of the Silvertip hair available from other makers.

I'm sure Bernd will make that for you! The more I think about it, the more I would recommend Finest with a 45mm loft. Shorter the better, to a point, with Finest.
I had a finest in 21mm, and really liked it; it was just a bit small for me. I really like the Finest grade of hair that Shavemac offers, as it seems a touch stiffer than the Silvertip. If I do have Bernd make one, it will be a 23 or 25mm, 45 mm loft, in the white nacre handle just like the one you have, or else in wood/chrome.
Great, GREAT, review and comparison!

This is so helpful you might even submit it under the "Review" section, so that people looking for a less expensive high quality brush can see this when researching brushes in the future.

I have always wanted to see this exact thing done, because I have never had the chance to try out a Shavemac in Finest. I hope to score one off the B/S/T eventually so I can give it a shot.

So to all future Shavemac owners out there - try the Finest! It seems to me that it might be one of the best buys out there in terms of value.

Again, nice work Andy. Job well done! I liked this write-up so much I even added it to my sig! Hope that's ok :biggrin:
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Well, Andy.... you have finally pushed me over the edge! After reading your review I emailed Bernd and asked for a 20 mm knot in finest and faux ivory with a loft between 45 - 50 mm. I have been using only synthetics -- to avoid using animals -- and have used the Body Shop (not too bad for the $10 CDN, but not great), a Men-U Premiere (way too floppy for me for soaps, but works great for creams), and got a Jack Black brush which I like, except it hogs lather like a vacuum). So I figure I have tried the best synthetics with no luck, so now I will give a Shavemac a try. Nice review, and VERY persuasive...
Andy you posted an excellent review of of a brush I've been designing in my head for a few weeks now..Thank you very much..You answered a few questions I might not have asked..Well done sir....


Wow. Thank you for all the positive comments. I'm glad some people are finding it useful. Maybe I will turn this into a proper (and more succinct) review of the Finest brush and link it to this thread.

Great, GREAT, review and comparison!

This is so helpful you might even submit it under the "Review" section, so that people looking for a less expensive high quality brush can see this when researching brushes in the future.

I have always wanted to see this exact thing done, because I have never had the chance to try out a Shavemac in Finest. I hope to score one off the B/S/T eventually so I can give it a shot.

So to all future Shavemac owners out there - try the Finest! It seems to me that it might be one of the best buys out there in terms of value.

Again, nice work Andy. Job well done! I liked this write-up so much I even added it to my sig! Hope that's ok :biggrin:

Hunter: I also added your Silvertip/D01 dual review to my signature. That's a great way to spread the word about these wonderful brushes.

Excellent thread. Thank you for making me even more crazy than I already am.

Any time. :biggrin:

Well, after using the Finest brush more, I have concluded that it's my favorite brush out of all the ones I've owned. That list includes:

Shavemac 501 Finest (23mm/60mm... loft length was the problem)
B&B Essential
Kent BK4
Rooney 1/1 Super
Shavemac D01 (21mm/50mm)
Simpsons CH1 Best, Commodore X1, and Wee Scot

I don't like brushes that, with any amount of imagination, can be considered floppy. The brushes in italics above are keepers and work well for me. I splashed out over $150 only once for my Shavemac D01, and I won't do that again for a long time, if ever. The Rooney Heritage brushes have me interested, but they all have a larger knot diameter than I think I would like, and I'm not sure if I would care for the density. I can't really comment on any of the ultra high-end brushes, other than Shavemac, so I'll leave that for others. I think I'll stick with the mid-priced brushes since those seem to keep me most happy.


I turned this into a review, which is here.

If anyone buys a short-loft Shavemac in Finest, please add to this thread or the review, so we'll all know what you think. I know a couple folks have sprung for this brush.


Nice review, Andy! ...But what happened to those great pictures you originally posted?

Thanks a lot Hunter. I tried to add them yesterday. They showed up in the post preview but not after I saved the post. I'll try again to add those to the review tonight.

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Brilliant Andy,

I've been saving for a DO1 21/50mm brush for a while. Thanks to you I think I'm just going to go ahead and get it in Finest.

I'm certain I won't be disappointed.
Thanks! So has anyone else had a short-loft finest made? I know domino has. Anyone care to contribute some thoughts about these brushes? I like mine better every time I use it. Definitely my favorite brush.

Thanks! So has anyone else had a short-loft finest made? I know domino has. Anyone care to contribute some thoughts about these brushes? I like mine better every time I use it. Definitely my favorite brush.


For the past 3 weeks, I've used a custom Shavemac 177 45mm loft, 20 mm knot. In finest. It's a fantastic brush. Shockingly good, in fact. Here it is, brand new, and post-bloom:

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