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A new Simpson fan

I was delighted to find a package from West Coast Shaving at my door today, as it contained these fine items:


So as you can imagine, I immediately retreated into my den for some shaving and general brush play! I think this sequence of smilies most adequately expresses the series of reactions associated with the first-time experience of opening the Wee Scot box, and then shaving with it:

:w00t: :blink: :lol: :shaving: :a47: :001_wub:

I know everyone says it.. but hot diggity this little tuft makes a LOT of lather! I had the Duke on standby, cause I (foolishly) thought I might run out of lather before the shave was done. Well sir! Wee Scot and Tabac tag-teamed my face and showed me what was what! Now I couldn't let the Duke feel left out, so I had to lather him up and do three no-blade passes to keep things fair.

Here's them, still a little damp from the shave, with the brush I been using for almost a year now, my first badger brush, a Pure grey badger brush from Fendrihan.


I have to say, the difference between Pure and Simpson Best is astonishing. Their performance, right out of the box, blew me away. Both of these brushes are smaller than my Fendrihan brush (23mm knot & 53mm loft, compared to the Duke 1 at 19mm/46mm and the Wee Scot at 14mm/35mm), but BOTH of them put out much more lather! The feel is much nicer too, noticeably softer tips without sacrificing any backbone or scrubbing ability.

Suffice it to say that I am now a Simpson fan for life!
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Thanks! And I definitely will! They had a little bit of funk to them so after the post bloom pic I loaded each of them up with Tabac until the brush literally could hold no more soap, and letting that stand and do it's work.
Argh! Every time I decide to NOT pull the trigger on a Duke one of you goes and puts a post like this up...
I'm new to wet shaving and am currently using a VDH badger brush to bowl lather. If you could have only one Simpson brush which would it be?
I'm new to wet shaving and am currently using a VDH badger brush to bowl lather. If you could have only one Simpson brush which would it be?

Chubby 2 two band. I like big dense brushes, and for my money the only place where Simpson bests some (of the best) lower cost options IMO is in the Chubby. It is clearly denser than the low cost options are. Aside from aesthetics, I find you can get equal performance and face feel out of some other options at cheaper prices. That said I love my Chubby 2 two band.

Dont get me wrong Simpson makes very good shaving brushes. You could do much much worse than a Simpson.
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Good choices for a start with Simpsons.

I am traveling with 2 Simpsons now. A Duke 1 in a travel tube (exactly like the one you got) and a Simpsons Beaufort B4. I have not had any longings for any of the brushes that I left at home. Not even a twinge of regret or a second thought about the decision I made to take these two.

I had thought about taking my Wee Scot. Every other time I have traveled I have taken the Wee Scot. This time I figured to give the Duke 1 the nod then at the last minute I suck the Beaufort in "just in case"... glad I did as I have been enjoying BOTH a lot...
Two wonderful brushes, Jeff. Now, which next?:biggrin1:

none, for now. Maybe in a year or so I might consider another brush. Possibly a silvertip.

I'm new to wet shaving and am currently using a VDH badger brush to bowl lather. If you could have only one Simpson brush which would it be?

I'll be different from most folks around here and not recommend a big brush. I don't like brushes with a knot larger than 23 or 24mm, I just end up with lather in my ears and whatnot. Besides, a Chubby 2 in two band Super will run you around $200, whereas my Duke 1 was only $75, and is easily a good enough brush to shave with for decades. Or there Case 1, Special 1, or Berkeley 46 each for under $50 (west coast shaving), and each in Best Badger.
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