In case you haven't seen this amazing video yet, check out their morning workout!
Aug 29, 2010 #1 Jake In case you haven't seen this amazing video yet, check out their morning workout!
Aug 29, 2010 #2 ShaveAddict Thats amazing, imagine how in shape you need to be to be able to do that.
Aug 29, 2010 #4 thebikingengineer Gotta love parkour. I wonder how he got down at the end, quite a predicament there.
Aug 29, 2010 #5 _MementoMori_ Parkour videos never cease to amaze. Thanks for the link - I hadn't seen this one.
Aug 29, 2010 #7 citizensoldierny Lots of job security in my future if free running takes off.
Lots of job security in my future if free running takes off.