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A.M. Rothschild Razor

Has anyone heard of the company A.M. Rothschild & Co.? I received a straight razor made by this company. On one side of the shank is stamped "Blue Steel 1573" the other side of the shank is stamped "A.M. Rothschild & Co made in Germany". Hope to get some pictures up soon. Haven't been able to find much searching the net, so I'm hoping someone has some info on this company.

Thanks, and happy holidays!


Antique Hoosier

Once a large Chicago Department Store.... Found this tidbit of gruesome news about it's founder....

CHICAGO, July 28 -- A.M. Rothschild, until two months ago the head of the State Street department store, firm of A.M. Rothschild Co., committed suicide to-day at his home, Thirty-seventh Court and Michigan Avenue, by shooting himself in the head, the wound inflicted causing almost instant death.
Has anyone heard of the company A.M. Rothschild & Co.? I received a straight razor made by this company. On one side of the shank is stamped "Blue Steel 1573" the other side of the shank is stamped "A.M. Rothschild & Co made in Germany". Hope to get some pictures up soon. Haven't been able to find much searching the net, so I'm hoping someone has some info on this company.

Thanks, and happy holidays!


Here's is a promised pic. Any idea what the scales are made of? The scale on the other side has an engraving very similar to this one.


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