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a little help?

what are we looking at here dudes?... when I was bidding on ebay I thought it was a Gillette new long comb but it doesn't have gold plating, its a silvery kind of colour. the ball end handle feels loose until it bears down on the head, is this typical of this razor or does it belong on something else? its a bit more beat up than I thought but its not too bad. a bent tooth and a bit of flaking of the plating but again, im not overly worried about it :) was kind of gross when I opened the package, it has crustiness between the teeth and a USED blade still loaded :scared:!! it came in a neat vintage leather case with a Gillette blue blade and holder and while the holder is a bit rusty im going to take it to the workshop and buff it with jewellers rouge on the buffing machine (don't know if there is a technical name?) and give the razor a shine once its been in the ultrasonic and disinfectant. the words under the head are the Gillette diamond and 'made in canada'.... on to the pictures
edit: how do I fix a crack in the handle?
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It's a ball handled old type. Cracks in the handle are typical. They can be fixed with a little 2 part epoxy or a jeweler can solder it. There is a wiki [page on repairing them also, see here.
I actually am a student who has been taught under a jeweller so I might have a crack at soldering it, or failing that just ask my tutor :) thank you for your response.
Nice score. I picked up one just like it last weekend at a local antique store and I'm looking forward to giving it a go.
I picked it up for a fiver! not bad I don't think... ill have to see how I get on with it! how do you identify this against a new? and how do I date it?
The US made ones have a serial number on top of the base plate up to 1921. Any made from 1922 to 29 won't have one. I'm not sure about the Canadian ones.
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