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A large part of eBay was sleeping

Admittedly, the actual model was never identified, but the photo was adequate, and I wasn't looking for a pretty looking example, anyway. I've been putting an occasional relatively low bid from time to time when interest seemed minimal on various of these, ever since I saw a pair of adjustables side by side and couldn't figure out where my memory had connected the shortness (comparative) of an Aristocrat with a 195 adjustable. So now we'll know what it really feels like compared to the Slims and SAs, instead of what I thought it had felt like.


$User grade Fatboy.jpg
Thank you. Save for a few three-piece Gillettes that were thrown in as parts of "kits" with other shaving gear I wanted, and a '48 Aristcrat I've had for over 58 years, my razors are for shaving with (and I've shaved with the pretty gold '48 a few times, but not often). I hope this one isn't "T-O-O ugly", though.
After buying several fatboys and slims in person. I'm pretty sure I would never buy one from ebay. It all comes down to it actually working. I have a couple and have seen a few that the adjustment knob either doesn't work or is locked up. I snagged a mint looking fatboy in a slim case this weekend for 5 bucks. I bought it for the case. I cant get the adjustment knob un-seized on the fatboy though. I mean it is rock solid. I have another that the knob turns fine on but the adjustment bed doesn't move at all. And looking at the listing you posted they didn't mention that it worked or not so I hope yours works ok.
I haven't found one yet, Fat Boy or Slim, that would not work after appropriate cleaning and some minor adjustment. Not to say they might not be ugly as sin . . . but they work! Tougher than an old piece of shoe leather . . . and yours, Kiwi, looks to be a nice salvageable bargain!
I haven't found one yet, Fat Boy or Slim, that would not work after appropriate cleaning and some minor adjustment. Not to say they might not be ugly as sin . . . but they work! Tougher than an old piece of shoe leather . . . and yours, Kiwi, looks to be a nice salvageable bargain!

Given the great many years, the thousands of shaves, the general carelessness its low price and ready availability (for replacement) promoted, I have a Slim here I've had practically since the changeover from Fat Boy to Slim that still looks good, still works just fine, and its faithfulness encourages me to anticipate good results for this new acquisition, after a little cleanup and a few scrubbing bubbles . .
I've liked my Slims (I have two) and my "regular" length SA since all were new. I thought I knew enough from at least one personal test not to "need" to add this older Gillette to the stable. But once I saw how really greatly similar they actually are (photos with Slim vs. Fat side by side), I decided that I hadn't known enough after all.

One of the two Slims spent most of its life tucked under a loop in my toiletries satchel, so you'd think that one would show less wear that the other one does. They look the same.
Congrats on your fatboy. I bought my slim on the bay. Looks great, good paint, works like a charm and was reasonable to me at just less than $30 shipped. I have yet to see one in the wild near me as it seems that all the local flea market/antique dealers all know what the adjustables are and that they can generally get more via the bay. I don't have the time or patience to go looking for that diamond in the rough hence my bay purchase. However, there are things I have found at good prices. (nice flare tip for $6, two nice black handles ss at less than $5 each and a nice old spice mug for $1)
Very nice find! I hope it works, when I got mine one of the blade gaps was way off. I think the guy sold it because he dropped it judging by the still slick Edge shave gel I cleaned out of it. I just bid on a dirty old razor recently myself with the plan to get it replated, hopefully yours shaves right out of the box, good luck!
One of my best Fatboy finds was one the was tee total yellow from soap scum. I was still relatively new to razor hunting and I thought it was brassed up. Boy did it shine up good. A testament to how well Gillette made their DE razors.
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