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A Lady's Aftershave Cream

I'm really new to DE shaving and I'm already hooked. I'm just wondering if there are any AS creams for women? I'm still using my husbands Slim Adjustable to shave with, but his AS isn't for me. And, is it ok to use AS cream on your underarms? Thanks for any help.
I've never heard of one but you could try a more-feminine scented AS like Lime Sec or maybe Lilac Vegetal if you can get past the cat urine smell.
By a/s cream, do you mean balm? I don't use balm, but moisturiser, so I suppose a good ladies facial moisturiser would be the same for you as well.
Thayer's Witch Hazel comes in many different flavors. I like the Rose Petal, but there is sure to be one to please. You get 12 oz for the price, not too bad at all.
Good question. Just like a guy's face, you must decide what you want your aftershave to do. Disinfect? Moisturize? No alcohol? Nothing oily?

Each product does something different, and few do them all well.

Items my bride took from my cabinet and wanted more of was - Olivias Summer variant AS lavender balm and QED Rose balm.
For legs and especially nder arms use alum, not only an effective AS antiseptic and anit bacterial but also a very effective deodorant.

Then follow up with you usual moisturizing cream unless you are look for a good excuse to but more shaving products like most of us one here.
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My wife has been using Saint Charles Shave Sahara balm for a few months now. It smells fantastic and leaves her legs felling:drool:

One thing I recommend is to skip most fragrance splashes. My wife tried a them a couple of times and the amount that she had to use was waaaaaaaay to over powering. Sahara isn't very strong and a very tiny bit goes a long way to cover one leg.
I would call or email Charles at QED and speak with him about his hyrosols for this purpose. He could probably tell you if it is a good idea. I use his DaVinci water regularly and it is superbly kind to freshly shaved skin. He has the DaVinci(combo of rose and lavender hydrosols), lavender, rose, and I think possibly one other. As mentioned with a splash type product you will be going through a lot of it on your legs. You may even try the D.R. Harris Pink splash but as mentioned, the same issue of usage comes up.

Now if you wanted something in a light balm that was mostly unscented I would look no further than Proraso Crema Liquida Dopobarba. It is a lightweight white lotion that does not leave you greasy, has almost no scent, and goes a LONG way. Excellent product.

As for under arms(no I don't shave there), I have been using alum bars. I am not sure about balm type products under your arms. I think it may lead to infected hair follicles. To use the alum bars make sure the area is clean. Any residual bo will just mix with the alum and render it useless. At least that is my experience. Wash well (you will be clean if you are shaving there), leave it wet, and IMMEDIATELY go at it with the alum bar. Don't let any bacteria have time to grow there. I am not particularly smelly under the arms (at least my dearest wife says so)but if I fool about for awhile and then apply it, I swear I can detect odour. I also rub the alum bar with a damp towel afterward and it keeps it odour free. Pretty good stuff really and it lasts ages. Best of luck and good on ya for shaving the traditional way. It is odd that we think of DE shaving as unusual for ladies. What do we think they used before lady Remington's and those pink plastic cartridge razors?

Regards, Todd
This is Deborah...I just found out that although I can post a new thread on this forum, I haven't made enough posts to post a reply.

So I am using my husband's account to say THANK YOU for all of the suggestions. I will be sure to direct my husband to this thread and give him really huge hints about purchasing a few things for my den! :thumbup: I'm sure that I should try many of these to form a good opinion of what I really like! LOL! Yeah, the ADs have set in pretty well.
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Hi Deborah...
Can you join the women shaver's group yet? : http://badgerandblade.com/vb/group.php?groupid=88
If so we have a thread going on in there about the moisturizers/balms etc that we like to use after shaving.

Really there is no actually "after-shave" product for women that I know but we have so many balms and lotions and moisturizers that whatever you like should be just fine. Unless you are treating a particular skin problem caused by shaving (in which case I hope we can help stop the problem!) then whatever your normal moisturizer is should be just fine.

Personally I often don't use anything as I wash with olive oil soap int he shower and find that moisturises my skin perfectly well. Sometimes I'll put on a spray of Girligo from Soap and Glory because I like the smell of it. I also like the smell of Burt's Bees Milk and Honey Body Lotion.
I don't put anything bar my deodorant under my arms nor would I see a need to really but again YMMV.

If I was to suggest anything for under your arms it would be a light Vitamin E cream or you could use a spray of Witch Hazel as a light toner. Are you finding you are getting irritation? If so maybe I could help fix that if I know more about your set-up...
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