OK, so it was one of those days. Plenty of 'good busy', got lots done, etc., The kind of day where you're tired but not wiped out.
Add on to that a huge dose of one of those co-workers who is just bat**** insane. You know the kind. "The Douche is Strong in This One." That kind of co-worker. So I had to do some going up the chain of command. Had to be done, but really not what you like to be forced to do.
To top it off it's really cold and so a huge G&T or a beer or a whiskey/gin sour just won't do it. So I went back to Napoleonic War times for some hot whiskey punch:
2oz boiling water
1tsp sugar
fat halfmoon slice of lemon (some recipes say stick a couple of cloves in it) (don't squeeze it, just plop it in there)
2oz whiskey. I had Jamesons, so Jamesons it was. Maybe more than 2oz.
Now I'm all better.
This is some smooth warming goodness, here.
Add on to that a huge dose of one of those co-workers who is just bat**** insane. You know the kind. "The Douche is Strong in This One." That kind of co-worker. So I had to do some going up the chain of command. Had to be done, but really not what you like to be forced to do.
To top it off it's really cold and so a huge G&T or a beer or a whiskey/gin sour just won't do it. So I went back to Napoleonic War times for some hot whiskey punch:
2oz boiling water
1tsp sugar
fat halfmoon slice of lemon (some recipes say stick a couple of cloves in it) (don't squeeze it, just plop it in there)
2oz whiskey. I had Jamesons, so Jamesons it was. Maybe more than 2oz.

Now I'm all better.
This is some smooth warming goodness, here.