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A Gillette Adjustable Key?

See the ebay auction Item number: 220470859823. It closes on the 31st.

The product description says in part that the poster can't remove the old blade because he doesn't have the "key" HuH?

My dad had one of these and I don't remember using a key to get the blades out. Or is this particular unit in fact broken?

hmm I wonder if my Mother still has all those old razors?. . .
See the ebay auction Item number: 220470859823. It closes on the 31st.

The product description says in part that the poster can't remove the old blade because he doesn't have the "key" HuH?

My dad had one of these and I don't remember using a key to get the blades out. Or is this particular unit in fact broken?

hmm I wonder if my Mother still has all those old razors?. . .

I think the keys are related to Gillettes used in prison. They had a lock so they could not be removed.
The razor you posted is a Gillette Slim Adjustable. The razors used in prisons that Vermifuge references are variations on the Gillette Tech 3-piece. As far as I know, there are no Gillette adjustables that would require a key to unload the blade. I would suggest contacting the seller.
This is a picture of the Gillette "Psycho" (as at has come to be known around these parts):

I suspect that the seller thinks that the adjuster is a combination lock like a bike lock and that the last 1/4 turn resistance means it's locked. :blushing:


Even though these look like a fat handled tech the head looks to have a lower profile. Can the key be left in during the shave? If so, that could add some favorable weight and length to the handle.
I suspect that the seller thinks that the adjuster is a combination lock like a bike lock and that the last 1/4 turn resistance means it's locked. :blushing:

I wonder which way this auction will go. Either noobs will avoid the auction of a perfectly fine looking Slim, thinking it's useless, or the bids will fly in and the seller will wonder what the hell people want with a locked-up razor!
This is a picture of the Gillette "Psycho" (as at has come to be known around these parts):
Thanks for using the picture. :)

Even though these look like a fat handled tech the head looks to have a lower profile. Can the key be left in during the shave? If so, that could add some favorable weight and length to the handle.

Unfortunately no, the key doesn't click or anything, it is kind of just like a reverse hex wrench. Slides in, turns it, and gravity will bring it back out. The keys are heavy duty though, it would add some nice weight. :)
I wonder which way this auction will go. Either noobs will avoid the auction of a perfectly fine looking Slim, thinking it's useless, or the bids will fly in and the seller will wonder what the hell people want with a locked-up razor!

I suspect he's selling a useless Slim. It very possibly is siezed up, leading him to believe that it needs a key.

- Chris
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