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A futile attempt

I just got back from Wally World a few minutes ago. While I was there, I checked out the shave aisle as I usually do in hopes of finding something different. (Mostly a futile attempt, I know.) I almost crapped at the prices of the Gillette cartridges (I know, I shouldn't be surprised, but still...) I never used the aforementioned system-I used the Personna system before switching. There was an elderly man standing next to me, and he needed some help putting back some disposables, so I helped him. I then pointed out my astonishment as to why someone would pay $13 for 5 cartridges. He kind of shrugged and said, "Hmm". After he walked away, I pointed out the same thing to the lady stocking the shelves, and she said, "I don't know, but they still do". I then pointed out that (after looking a bit more at the price gouging) that it's pointless to pay $15 for 5 blades, where you can get 10 Wilkinson Sword blades for less than $2. She agreed with me. :001_rolle


My elbows leak
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B&B members can be easily identified;

They are the guys lurking in the shave aisle proselytizing to total strangers!

I had exactly the same thoughts this weekend when I visited ASDA/Wal-Mart here in the UK.

The prices of the Mach3 blades were astonishing. In the 6/7 months I've been shaving with a DE the prices have gone up even higher. To such an extent that if shaveapocalypse ever becomes reality I'll grow a beard LOL

£7.46 for 5blades. That's £1.49 each! At best you get three decent shaves with a blade and then they rip your face up and leave it looking like Hamburger.


On reflection, since turning to DE shaving I've not had any razor burn that I recall since the switch. For sure, with my AD's the cost of shaving has gone up but that's my choice since I enjoy trying out different blades, razors, soaps etc. But overall I would recommend DE shaving to everyone and tell them to stick their Mach3's where the sun doesn't shine :)
We live in a world inhabited by lemmings.

Some people put a higher value on their time and convenience and have decided to live with cart shaves.
Some people don't realize that there are alternatives, as DE/SE shaving gets Zero advertising dollars and almost no shelf space outside of niche retailers.
Some people just don't care enough to research the alternatives.
I think in most case it comes down to ignorance. I wasn't even aware that DE blades and razors were still sold until I was researching a new shaving cream online.

One minute I was having a hard time locating Kiss My Face cream locally and figured I'd do some poking around. Next thing I know I'm ordering an HD and a month or so later find myself cleaning and polishing a '61 Fatboy I won at auction.

FWIW I was still using a Gillette Sensor as I just couldn't understand how anyone enjoyed shaving with a 5 blade paddle sized razor. So I guess I was more inclined than most to try a simpler solution.

I also have an Industrial Design background so 50's era product design is right up my alley and DE's are some pretty cool and intimate objects when it comes to their aesthetics and function.
I just got back from Wally World a few minutes ago. While I was there, I checked out the shave aisle as I usually do in hopes of finding something different.
Wally World's the last place I'd look for something different. Or people that aren't lemmings.
Funny, I was in Costco yesterday and passed the section containing Gillette Products. I started to look at the high cost of the carts when my wife pipe up saying: "Stop looking at those. It's not good for your high blood pressure. Plus, you have a closet full of blades." I weakly replied "it's not a closet full - at most it's 400 blades." Some lady next to us gave me a strange look and I was about to explain about the shave Apocalypse when my wife gave me that "don't start that" look. :w00t:
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