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A few beehives

Just a couple of more I've done recently.
A "keyhole" style beehive in butterscotch swirl.
Another beehive done in the style of a Victorian Heritage. Custom mixed color.
And a small vase in another custom mixed color with a sample block , mixed to match a custom razor. ( on another thread) There is a slight metalflake to the mix. Almost an Ocean Spray cranberry color.
And finally a translucent Amber Ale,,if you will ..and another custom mixed antique ivory for a two piece brush. The handle section will be the translucent Amber and the base for the knot will be the ivory. Stuck in the middle is another brush for myself. It's Padauk, Ivory,, and it''s getting a UK overstuffed 24mm Silver tip knot.
Wish I could get more. ,, Yeah,, like I need more brushes...LOL
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Looking good Mark!! The Chubby 1 butterscotch handle you turned for me had become one of my best brushes. I knotted it with the 24mm TGN UK Silvertip and it is one hell of a brush!

Really love the look of the top one!
Hi Mark..I really love that heritage beehive! It is a fabulous performer, I have pics to post soon. It's a beautiful brush, and thanks again for your talents. :thumbup:
Thanks Guys! Glad to hear the brushes are working well.
Yeah,, the chubby's, something about them is just great. They're squat,, the proportions are neat, and I love mixing the array of colors. I want one in every shade!!!

I'm getting close.
I don't get it, I make it. All my work is custom.

I don't do turnings so I haven't much experience with those types of materials. But as a wood worker I blend my own dye, (some from indigenous materials) and custom mix my own natural resin varnishes, oil finishes, and waxes. As such I have a great deal of respect for someone who does likewise.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
As always, your work is a pleasure to look at. I really like the colour of that red one. You should definitely make more in that colour resin. :001_tt1:
Thanks guys, you sure know how to make my day!

Pretty much any color is only minutes away. That is part of my problem. I see a color, think of a style and my compulsions kick into gear. Then I see nice pieces of wood, combinations with acrylics. My list is endless.

Jwhite, It's nice to meet another woodworker. Woodcarving ( and general woodworking) is my full time job. What type of woodwork do you do?
I'm currently working on a hand carved brush in Cherry. It'll be different , for sure. As well as razor/brush stands, bowls, display shelves etc.
So much to do, so little time. Why do I have to "work" for a living.
I don't do turnings so I haven't much experience with those types of materials. But as a wood worker I blend my own dye, (some from indigenous materials) and custom mix my own natural resin varnishes, oil finishes, and waxes. As such I have a great deal of respect for someone who does likewise.

+ 1. This is very nice work.
Thanks guys, you sure know how to make my day!

Pretty much any color is only minutes away. That is part of my problem. I see a color, think of a style and my compulsions kick into gear. Then I see nice pieces of wood, combinations with acrylics. My list is endless.

Jwhite, It's nice to meet another woodworker. Woodcarving ( and general woodworking) is my full time job. What type of woodwork do you do?
I'm currently working on a hand carved brush in Cherry. It'll be different , for sure. As well as razor/brush stands, bowls, display shelves etc.
So much to do, so little time. Why do I have to "work" for a living.

I am just setting up my small shop to go independent, My strongest skill set is as a polisher. Fine finishes are hard to come by and there are very few that do them anymore. I also am going to do restoration and conservation work and am currently in the process of working on my portfolio pieces. I expect most of my work to come from that aria. I work almost exclusively with hand tools, necessary if you're going to do proper restorations. I also like the control that hand tools provide. This should probably go without saying but dip strippers and power washers have no place in my my shop either.

Antique Hoosier

Mark, I think yours is some of the finest work I have seen concerning turned luxury shaving brushes in classic designs. The homage to the longer Victorian era brushes are quite nice. Kudos to you for great skill and vision of how the geometry of the handle best fits the sum total of the brush.
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