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a bad time

if you want to throw in some assorted blades, that would be cool, i have no idea what sort of variables there could be between them though, i guess some dull slower than others, some are sharper or something
but yeah, i'm not exactly determined to try different things, im sure if a blade is good & easy to work with, i'll probably buy 100 of them
i'd be happy to throw in a few extra dollars for those assorted blades

i had heard that witchazel had a similar effect to the alum block (and i'm going to guess it's probably cheaper atleast in the short run), so yeah, i'll have a look next time i'm at the shops

the cheapest badger hair brush i can find is this one from the shavershop's ebay shop
http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Frank-Sh...nityPerfumeShaving&hash=item1e8ec0b530&_uhb=1 , so i guess i'll order one of those, i'll keep an eye out for those shaving creams too
Ok I will include 5 of each of the aforementioned blades. (Again, pay it forward to someone else when you can) Changing blades when you are learning just adds a variable you don't need, I recommend sticking with a mid level sharpness well liked blade like the Astra as a starting point and going through 2-3 months worth of shaves with them before changing. Your call though.

My re-entry into de shaving was with feather blades, and it was a somewhat bloody experience, did teach me a lot quickly though.
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Well i think i'll heed your advice too, and order a pack of astras to use for a few months, not cutting myself sounds nice *_*
Now that's how you PIF! Good looking out!

You can't really go wrong when it comes to soaps/creams and brushes. Anything will work. Some will work better than others, but you'll figure that out. You don't have to break the bank on $20 soaps or $75 brushes. I really, really like my Omega boar hair brush. Proraso makes great creams and soaps. I also like Col Conk.

I can't really help you shop, though. I checked out bestshave.net, and I don't recognize most of the brands they carry. They do have Arko stick soap, and that would be a safe bet. Hard to get to $50 on that site, though, because their prices are so cheap! You could just load up your cart with everything you can imagine to get to $50!

Anyway, it looks like your new friend in Australia has the situation well under control.
Alum is cheaper (if you eBay from India)than witch hazel but at $7 for a largish bottle of the stuff which will last ages, I couldn't care less.
In terms of blades, you would be best leaving the feathers till you get some skill up first (2-3 months)
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just a little update ( already sent keljan a pm about this stuff )
i've bought the aftershave balm keljian suggested, and i spent about 2 hours wandering around the shopping center looking for witchazel & a stryptic pencil, no luck though, i may have to order those in, i may try to find a synthetic fibre brush, just because i usually avoid using animal based products, so that might be a little difficult to locate, i've seen one from the body shop been reviewed, tends to get reltively nice reviews, but aparrently it's not so good to face lather with, so, we'll see
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Witch hazel should be near the first aid bandages. It is an "anti-itch" product like calamine lotion. You might find styptic pencil by the nail clippers or dog nail clippers. It's used for stopping blood flow if you accidentally cut the quick of the cuticle, as well as for shaving.
ah, thanks, i will take a look tomorrow, i think i'll order a synthetic body shop brush, some amazing forum poster has started this thread
which i've skimmed through, seems very promising, and seems like face lather is very doable

i'll have to look around and find a brick & mortar shop(/s) for some of those soaps mentioned in this thread, i also have a strong feeling i will prefer sticks/soap blocks, but definitely willing to try anything
i looked up proraso, i'll try to include one if i make a big order from somewhere, or perhaps keljian knows a brick & mortar chain that stocks them here, i might start a post in the soaps forum asking about non-tallow soaps too, but i'm open to everything for now
Welcome to B&B!
I can send your way 2/3 of a tube of mixed soap consisting of Proraso white and Arran Aromatics (both vegan). I haven't used to soap but the container to put the mixture in. I can send you also 10 Derby blades to get you started on the EJ and practice your skills. Derby are the mildest and most forgiving blades out on the market so are ideal for beginners.
If you like the idea, send me your address on PM so I can ship it on Monday! You do not have to pay anything - it will be my welcoming PIF for you.
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http://www.shaverhut.com.au is where I buy my proraso stuff, slightly more expensive than eBay but fast shipping and good service.
it actually appears to be a bit cheaper than ebay there, i wouldn't have thought that
i just want to add this to the thread, i sent a similar sentiment in a pm to tonich, but the attitude of thos forum is amazing, after being on this forum for, i think all of 2 or 3 days, keljian and tonich have offered to give me an almost complete chunk of what i'll need to start this hobby
anyway, it's amazing, perhaps in a few months, i'll try to make some things to pay back the generosity, like some hardwood shaving chests, or custom lather bowls, well, i'll try to think of something
I think this is spot on. My story was VERY similar to yours. Electric shaving, hated it, a thousand passes, still not close (when it was, I dealt with irritation and ingrowns).

My $0.02: get the Garry's Sample Shop gear, read up and watch youtube videos (geofatboy and mantic59), and LEARN YOUR GROWN DIRECTION/PATTERN! If you think you're going WTG and you're really going ATG?


Best of luck. The advice in these pages (Forum overall) is spectacular. It'll change your life (or at least some of your behaviors:) )

Haha! I immediately thought of this South Park episode too, when I saw the thread title.

To the OP: I would suggest getting a cheap Van Der Hagen soap, brush, and bowl kit from a local supermarket, which is about $10, and then order a Lord L6 razor online, less than $15, and they usually come with a 5-pack of blades. The Lord L6 is a very good razor and I still use my Van Der Hagen brush and bowl.

edit: Should have read the whole thread. Looks like you've got it all sorted out. Have fun with your shaves.
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yeah, i expected there to be some references to south park from the title lol

anyways, i did manage to find witch hazel, and a styptic pencil today, for those who come after, the witchhazel is with itch creams, and sunblock/burn creams
i managed to find the styptic pencil (well one of the shopkeepers found it for me before i could look myself :p), not entirely sure where that was located, possibly with first aid/bandaids

also bought some random shaving cream, i though it was a brand named one i have sen mentioned here before, but it turns out it wasnt :p
as for the shaving brush, perhaps in the future i can start a thread in the mall forum, i get the impression that some people may have bought a synthetic brush just to experiment, but ended up preferring a badger brush
Well done! Sometimes I just use witchhazel as aftershave (if I don't want to wear anything scented). Tip with the pencil, wet the tip of your finger and touch the top of the pencil before you use it, will work much better.
Faulding cream is cheap and cheerful cream, no frills but it will work if you are in a pinch.
Ah, yes, that's the brand i was thinking of, weird, there's absolutely no branding or company name on it, so i thought it was just some cheap generic, i guess it is fauldings
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