I was on straightrazordesigns.com (just read of whipped dog. Ok it says the belt is one side leather the other side anything from webbing,linen to wool. What would you choose? And do u need a whole new belt for paste
Holy crap, Wid. I hadn't heard of those strops. Yeah, that would probably be your best bet. The ONLY other leather + linen strops I could find under $50 are Illinois Co. They aren't bad, but they're not great either. Hopefully that member keeps offering his strops for awhile.
As for cloth component. I like both woven fiber and suede. I HATE using felt. I don't think it actually does anything if you don't add an abrasive to it.
They vary by a large amount. I have one with nylon web, from Mountain Mike, a Dovo with linen, and a couple of Bison with linen in my present rotation of hanging strops. The variation within the linens alone is extreme. The Dovo is a light very smooth sound and draw while the Bison is rough and very harsh in comparison.Quick question: how do suede/felt/various woven materials differ? I'm sure they have different draw; would you mind describing it? Does the material affect the shave?
I've only tried felt and am quite curious about the alternatives.