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999th Post... So close I can taste it!

Unless something unforeseen should happen in my sleeping hours, tomorrow I will break the K-Barrier. Going to save it so I can start the day off on with a B&Bang. I'm hoping it will be a good one, but I expect it'll probably be boring and relatively uninformative, maybe in the Corn Razor thread? :tongue:

In the past three months I've accrued a moderate knowledge of things wet shaving and Gillette related. While I can't hold a candle to the gurus who frequent the Safety Razor sub-forum, I like the looks of mild surprise from older gentlemen, family friends, and modern-shaving pitchmen when the topics of shaving prep, technique, and gear come up. Thanks to everyone for the wealth of information available here, and the gentlemanly behavior and generosity I've seen and experienced many times over. Here's to another thousand posts coming! Don't tell SWMBO, if she realizes I'm on here more than once or twice a day I'll have some 'splainin' to do. :eek::redface: Goodnight!
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Tadaaaaaaaa! I'd like to thank God, the shave-clinic, and the Gillette gurus. Really, you're too kind. Thank you so much. :w00t:
Tadaaaaaaaa! I'd like to thank God, the shave-clinic, and the Gillette gurus. Really, you're too kind. Thank you so much. :w00t:

Congratulat... hold on one sec...

Get a hold of yourself man!

There! Congratulations on passing the 1,000th post mark! Even if it was just this post here. How anticlimactic! :tongue:
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