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7/8 french point vs 6/8 round nose razor

Any pro / cons using a 7/8 French point vs 6/8 round nose? Have been using straight razors 6/8 & 5/8 round nose for several years. Looking at a 7/8 French point from Hart vs one from Harner. Any comments perspective appreciated.
i dont see why there should be a radical difference shave wise other than the french point is probably less forgiving and will hold more lather so it wont have to be rinsed off quite as often. ive got a square point and it doesnt like an unsteady hand as much as a round point will cope with before it cuts
This is all IMHO stuff here but here goes. The Harner is a superior piece of steel given identical configurations. If you are looking at a Harner and you are cringing on the price look up Robert Williams if you don't have one of his. He is a master at what he does. One of his carbon steel razors is bested by absolutely no one when it comes to the shave. Price for one of his razors is astounding considering the work that he puts in on one. Don't feel ashamed to tell him you want something simple because he is so proud of his work even a "simple" razor has the same steel, the same craftsmanship that he gives all his razors. Yea you have to wait till he can get to you. Just a though...



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If it's your first straight, a round point is easier to use than a Spike or French point. It doesn't mean impossible but chances of cuts are higher compared to a round point. 6/8 is a good size IMO. 7/8 might be a bit big at first.

If you had to pick, I would say the 6/8 round point (without knowing the brand it's guessing) to the 7/8 french point. Nothing should prevent you to take the 7/8 or both.
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