For my 50th post, I'm going to get out a PIF of some great soap from a small vendor here in my hometown. I'd keep it for myself, actually, but it looks like I have a bit of an allergy to the cedarwood. Itchy skin.
Great lather on this stuff. No other complaints. Used three times.
I was going to limit this to Canada only, thanks in part to the exorbitant ways of Canada Post, but what the heck...this soap needs to travel, so it's open to everyone worldwide.
I'll use a random number generator to pick the winner on October 1.
Thanks everyone, for making this a great community. Hope someone enjoys what I can't!
Great lather on this stuff. No other complaints. Used three times.
I was going to limit this to Canada only, thanks in part to the exorbitant ways of Canada Post, but what the heck...this soap needs to travel, so it's open to everyone worldwide.
I'll use a random number generator to pick the winner on October 1.
Thanks everyone, for making this a great community. Hope someone enjoys what I can't!
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