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500 ml Proraso cream!!

I'd go for it. It's a great shaving cream and readily available (well, here at least, I'm not sure about in Portugal) and cheap too. Makes a great everyday go-to cream if you are on a budget.
I thought so too...Do you think the cream will dry or loose their qualities after the tube being opened and closed so many times?


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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If you never used it I might recommend trying the 150ml first. The 150ml will get you going for a while. If you love the product and use it very frequently in your rotation then the 500ml is what you need, I guess.

I'm half way through my 150ml without any problems. I use it frequently as I broke the cap two months ago. If I leave on the counter without using it for more than 2 days, it starts to dry. Otherwise, great product, weak caps! :lol:

Last thing, there's menthol in there and in a good quantity (green tube), unless you don't like menthol it should be good.
lamina: are you buying the cream locally? The only place I know that sells this cream is an online store in Spain.
Some guy on here posted an SOTD pick where he took his Proraso out of the tube and put it into a wooden bowl. He said it became like a hard cream then.
Start spreading the word, i'm...no that's other song!!

To brg...in Portugal? Yes, easily...all the Proraso wide range, IK, Muhle, Derbys, Feathers, Veleiro, Top Secret, Merkur, Dovo in a wonderful store near...
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Some guy on here posted an SOTD pick where he took his Proraso out of the tube and put it into a wooden bowl. He said it became like a hard cream then.

Did it work fine when he lathered it up? I have an empty wooden soap bowl that I'd like to find a purpose for. :lol:
You should try a smaller one or try to get a sample first. I like Proraso, but some find it irritating or do not like the smell.
Actually proraso use to make 5 different creams,
Red tube, (wheat germ)
Green tube / Green tub (standart mentol)
White tub (Green tea)
Shaving gel
and the least popular canned goo, which is basicly gas lathered green tube proraso

as for the tub/tube debate, in prorasos case i think that they are both the same with the exception that the tub cream is a bit denser, making it a bit harder and is why people mistake it for a soap, i assure you, if you stick your finger in it, you will find its quite soft and far from the density that a soap usualy has, i would clasify it as a "dense cream", there are denser creams like AdP which arent exactly soap,

now, a the 500mL tube from proraso, well, if its all you use and you think you can finish it, go ahead, personaly, since i have a regular rotation, i find tubes of that volume somewhat wasteful,
I see...i never found the red one, it seems it was discontinued.

I was wondering how long it will last, on a daily basis use?
Start spreading the word, i'm...no that's other song!!

To brg...in Portugal? Yes, easily...all the Proraso wide range, IK, Muhle, Derbys, Feathers, Veleiro, Top Secret, Merkur, Dovo in a wonderful store near...

You are very lucky sir!

That could probably be the best shaving store in Portugal.
Two things: is IK=Institut Karite and where is that fine store ? :wink:
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