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5 Months

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View attachment 94403

The Last Pic is my travel Kit

View attachment 94405

What you see plus about 1,000 blades (DE and SE), don’t even want to think about the aftershaves…. Plus PIFED
1 President
1 Aristocrat
2 FatBoys
1 Slim
3 News
1 Gem Contour
1 Super Adjustable
1 Knack
5 Super Speeds
10 Techs
1 Treet

You Guys are the worst bunch of enablers I have ever run across… and I am the luckiest to have found this site…. There is no cure for this (thank God)

PS… a lot less expensive then my Fountain Pen Addiction…with what I have spent so far on shaving gear, Maybe 2 Custom Pens
Nice collection!
I've only been here for a few weeks only, I already spent a lot of money (soaps and blades mostly), instead of saving because of cheaper blades... BB is an AD incentive:w00t:!
Nothing to worry about...IMO. Some people buy things that will never be used. What you have there is a treasure trove of shaving paraphernalia that will never be made again. IMO....soon there will be a shortage of these razors as the word gets out on DE, SE and Wet Shaving benefits.

Just think of all the DE Gillette's, Schick, Gem, Hoffritz, Personna etc...razors that were produced and have disintegrated in land fills. It makes you wonder...How many more vintage quality razors are remaining and how many could be still out there waiting to be put into service? IMO...Maybe not that many...since most of that generation of DE users has reached their final rewards in this lifetime.
Wow.. and here I am thinking I have a problem!!! :lol:

Gentlemen, this is what you call AD...

Very very nice collection you have Brian
Wow.. and here I am thinking I have a problem!!! :lol:

Gentlemen, this is what you call AD...

Very very nice collection you have Brian

Gentlemen... Be happy you only have a shaving AD... My Swmbo is extremely happy with this shaving thing

Double all the items above and you still would not come close to the price for this tray

View attachment 94428

Stay away from the Fountain Pen AD !!!!!
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