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Mad Max has a better place in my mind's eye the Star Wars 4.
Mad Max 2 was good and Thunderdome was...not good.
This looks to be pitched at same level as 2, but with more steroid fuelled CGI and car chases. Hopes are not high.
For those worried about CGI taking over the film, I think you'll be happy with George Miller's take on it:

HC: Those tools have changed to an incredible degree since you made the original “Mad Max” movies. A lot of people feel the way those movies were made was more pure than today’s CGI spectacles.
GM: Well, we made a big, big point to go old-school with “Fury Road.” There are moments of green screen mainly for some landscape, but this is not a green screen movie. We crashed a lot of cars; every stunt was done, if not by the cast then by some very fine stunt men; and it was shot on a real location. I’ve had enough experience with CG to know that you can’t really get some of that immersive material authentic in a way. Cumulatively, it’s appreciated by an audience. It feels more real.

New trailer...
If I can let my wife go out with the girls to watch "50 Shades of Stupid", well, she owes me this one.
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