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4th of July...Independence Day

Hope all is well with U and your families. In celebration of the Fourth of July...Independence Day... where will U be DE/SE/straight razor shaving? What blade? And what are your plans for that day?

I will start: I will be shaving locally in the Beautiful NW Florida area. I was gonna use my Weber DLC but I will probably use the Cobra Classic razor since that will be my last day on the CC tour. The blade of choice will either be a Feather Pro or KAI blade. As far as plans... I will be with the SWMBO enjoying a simple BBQ cookout at the house.

So... how 'bout you? Where will you be celebrating the Fourth? What razor? What blade? and What are your plans for the day? I'm looking forward to hearing your stories.

I'll be shaving at home in the Pine Barrens of South Jersey ... in keeping with the Independence Day theme, I'll be using products made in the Good Ol' U. S. of A.

Stahly head on a Tradere handle.
Personna blade.
probably Kiss My Face fragrance-free cream, althered by hand, unless I have a better idea.
Aqua-Velva ASL or Bigelow #1200 ASB

Check out the Patriotic Shave 2012 thread for more combinations of domestic products others will be using.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
On the 4th, I will shave using my Merkur 38C w/ Shark SC blades and a good 'spalsh' of Clubman Citrus Musk AS/Cologne. :thumbsup:

Later on that morning, the Mrs. and I will attend the Washington, DC Independence Day Parade (http://dc.about.com/od/4thofjuly/a/IndDayParade.htm), and we hope we can survive the heat.

"A [person's] country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers and woods, but it is a principle; and patroitism is loyalty to that principle". Geroge William Curtis
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i dont know if i will be shaving that day...... thats my frist day off and i usually dont shave on my first day off. although, it is the 4th so i could make an exception.
dpm's mention of the stahly makes me want to use mine. its a good shave a fun to use but they should have made the wind up last longer lol.
also going with the personna blade.
i got a lemon scented shave cream from a B&B member i have been wanted to try. cant remember the name tho
prob gonna go with the good'ol aqua velva
If I shave, it will be with my Progress razor and Wilkinson blades. The plan is to cook up some picanha on my charcoal grill, amongst other meats of course.
I'm going with the All American shave that day. I will be shaving in my home on Good ol Long Island.
Gilette SS
Mama Bears Lime Cilantro Ice
Aqua Velva

I will be heading to the Macy's 4th of July Fireworks
I hadn't had any special plans for a Fourth of July shave, but I like the idea of using "All American" products, so I think I'll do a nice Old Spice line up with (Shulton) Old Spice Lime shave cream, Old Spice aftershave, and my straight which was made in Philidelphia.

And I realize my Old Spice is made in India , but to me, the brand is still good ol' Americana, so it'll work for my purposes :biggrin1:

As far as other plans, I'll probably be attending one of the parades in the IE, California Area then either hosting or attending a neighbors bbq. Fireworks will be in attendance. Happy Fourth to everyone!


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
To anyone who doubts the greatness of this country, I have two things to say. This is the first:

You already know what the second is.
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Stahly head on a Tradere handle.
Personna blade.
probably Kiss My Face fragrance-free cream, althered by hand, unless I have a better idea.
Aqua-Velva ASL or Bigelow #1200 ASB
Well, I just had a better idea ... Jack Black Supreme Shave Cream. Forgot I even had it when I was doing a mental inventory of my soaps and creams from USA.

What do you call the opposite of SCAD? When you have so much stuff you can't remember everything in the den. Is that an advanced stage of Acquisition Disorder, or is it just a sign of Old Age?
A Happy Independence Day to you and yours!

Despite my own ties to the British Empire, and those of my grandson's paternal great-grandfather being a heroic South African Union Defence Forces Commissioned Officer (Lieutenant) in service to The Empire (I even have his "George Medal" (George VI, by the Grace of God, King of England and Emperor of India WWII Victory Medal), "African Service Medal", "The Star Of Africa Medal", etc., and his complete military records to pass on to my grandson) in North Africa against Erwin Rommel's Afrika Korps during WWII, I will still celebrate with an All-American shave.

1. GEM 1912 Damaskeene

2. Ted Pella PTFE-coated blade.

3. QCS Vostok shaving cream.

4, OSAGE RUB - 'Nuff Said.

I am going totally menthol, since it will be at or above 100 degrees Fahrenheidt for the foreseeable future.

I will not even allow myself the pleasure of using a brush to make lather, since they are all foreign-made; particularly British-made (Edwin Jagger, Simpson, et. al.).

I thank God Almighty that I am a United States Citizen and live in the State of Oklahoma in the United States of America.

Again, may you and yours have a happy and blessed Independence Day!

Warmest Regards,

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Woke up very early today to keep working on my house remodel. July 4th holds a special place in my heart - not only is it the birth of our nation, but it is also about the time that I started DE/SE shaving a year ago. To celebrate, I shaved American today :)

Pre: Dr Bronner's Magic Soap
Razor: Gem Safety Bar
Blade: Gem Stainless Steel
Soap: Mystic Waters Adirondack Jack
AS: Chagrin Valley ASB/CC Bay Rum Splash

Happy 4th of July to all Americans and a special welcome home to the brave men and women of the Ironhorse Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division who recently returned from their year-long deployment to Iraq/Kuwait.

To my brothers and sisters who are still down range - keep your head down and know that you are sincerely appreciated.
Muhle R101 razor
Astra SP blade
Musgo Glyce Real Lime Oil Soap
I Coloniali softening shave cream with Rubarb
Kent BK 4 brush
Thayers Lavender witch hazel
Trumpers Coral Skin Food

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