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3rd new Minnesota guy this week!

We had another good evening today. One of our St. Paul, Minn. new guys, Nic Wetzel, came over this evening. He is brand new to straight razors and brought along his great grandfathers Wade and Butcher razor. It was in great shape, just some tarnish and minimal hone wear. We cleaned it up a bit and then I honed it for him. It was a very nice razor to hone, no difficulties at all. He was pleased to learn that it would probably last him the rest of his life.
We talked on a wide range of shaving topics and then we decided to sample some different shaving soaps & creams. I brought out soap from Straightrazordesigns, Als Shaving and Tabac and he whipped up a lather for each. Now he has a much better idea of whats available.
Rodb ( Rod Bell ) once again saved my bacon and come over to join in and help out a new guy. Rod is really good at this and provides the new guys with a lot of very good info in areas where I am weak. I really appreciate his help.

Nic collects & sharpens fixed blade knives so we have a bit in common...KAD! Knife Acquisition Disorder! It is so nice to have like minded people around me.

Nic said he would be coming back when he gets a strop and time allows. It was a
nice 2 1/2 hours. I look forward to meeting him again.

Here are some pics.......


Wade & Butcher razor, Nic, Rod Bell and Nic
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