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34C Vs. 38C Advice

I am coming from a Merkur 1904 and want another razor. I want to stick with Merkur. I tried a Futur and it is too agressive on the lowest setting. The blade gap seems huge even set on 1. I want to buy either the 34C or the 38C. I know there is the obvious size difference and on the wiki it has the 38C being less agressive. Is that true? With the size of the the 38C is it easy to maneuver like the 1904 or shound I stick with the 34C size? I love my 1904 but I am trying to get that BBS everyone talks about. I can get real close to it but it takes 5-6 passes. Thanks in advace!
It's a matter of taste, really. The 38c is massive compared to the 34c, which is a little more agile and maneuverable. But if it's BBS you're after, you should maybe try an 11c (HD with an open comb). Same handling, a lot closer shave.
If things don't work out, both the 34c and the 38c should resell quite nicely.
well...your cup has a Marine badge on it..isnt this true..the weapon is only as good as the one who uses it?..same with yer shavegear sir!..you might be suprised to try a Gem 1912 single edge..I have had mine along with gem stainless blades for 3yrs now and have yet to buy anything.
I'll tell you the truth, at least from my prospective. It may not be the razor at all but the blade. Have you tried different blades in your 1904?

I love the 1904. I have both the safety bar and the open comb, and both shave great. I use the open comb if I have 3 or more days growth.

I have the 38c, in fact I have it for sale on B/S/T. I have large hands, but I don't care for the longer handle and the heavier weight of the 38c. It all a matter of preference, but for me I do like the smaller handle razors. You might want to give the 38c a try though. Its a well constructed razor, and one thatg should last a lifetime. :001_rolle :w00t:


Paul :thumbup1:
I have used the 38C and did not like it; too big and clumsy. I have a 37G (slant version of the HD in gold) and I think the size/weight/balance is perfect. I would say any of the HD models would be great (34/11/37).
I have both 34 and 38c. As mentioned before, I would look into a different blade set-up before changing razors. What blades are you using now? Maybe something sharper like feathers would do better?

I bought the 38c because I wanted something heaver and larger and it looks nice also. I have small hands and like the weight of the 38 and ya this is one of those ymmv. The 34 for me seems like I can shave faster and is more maneuverable. Both razors get used equally.
Thanks for all the feedback. Now I am almost half tempted to get both. :scared: See what you guys do to a man! Now the only thing left to do is pull the trigger.

I should have mentioned I am using Feather's blades. I have a sample pack I am getting ready to open now.

Does anyone know where there is a picture of the 34 and 38 side by side for a comparison?
They are both well made, and they are both great performers. I alternate between them (and a bunch of old Gillette TTO's). The heads are identical. I like the 38C better becasue I enjoy the weight of it, but that doen't make it better for you. Which one you will prefer is simply a matter of personal taste, and don't let anyone else tell you different. I say get both, and sell off the one you don't want. It's the only way you'll know for certain.

Why not try both? You can always sell either of these models without any trouble.

Thanks for all the feedback. Now I am almost half tempted to get both. :scared: See what you guys do to a man! Now the only thing left to do is pull the trigger.

I should have mentioned I am using Feather's blades. I have a sample pack I am getting ready to open now.

Does anyone know where there is a picture of the 34 and 38 side by side for a comparison?
Well, I caved in and bought the 38C from bullgoose.com. I plan on getting the 34C too in a couple of weeks so the SWMBO doesn't make me sleep on the couch. That might work out pretty good though. It will force me to use the 38C for a few weeks and get real used to it before I decide if I like it or not. I will report back and tell you guys my results. Thanks again for all the help. You guys are great!!
i have and like the 38c it just feels right to me it is the only de i currently own and will probably own for some time
Well, I caved in and bought the 38C from bullgoose.com. I plan on getting the 34C too in a couple of weeks so the SWMBO doesn't make me sleep on the couch. That might work out pretty good though. It will force me to use the 38C for a few weeks and get real used to it before I decide if I like it or not. I will report back and tell you guys my results. Thanks again for all the help. You guys are great!!

:angel: Another one bites the dust . . . . :devil:

J Rock let us know how it shaves in comparisson with the 1904; most and for all curious because I do like the Merkur 3-piece razors but really don't like their 2-piece ones! :001_smile
I started off with the 38C having bigger hands and thinking that the extra weight might help. Don't get me wrong - it's a great razor.

As my technique and RAD progressed, I bought a 37C slant with the short handle. Even with big hands, I found it very maneuverabe and a fantastic shave! I sold my 38C in a matter of minutes on B&B.

I also have the 1904 - I like it alot as well. Since it's a bit milder, maybe you might try a sharper blade - Feather or Astra...
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