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30! Noooooo!

I can't believe Im turning 30 in a few days:bored: Can I get a discount at the movies yet?:lol::lol::lol:

Wife smacked me upside my head just now for asking her that:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Anyone have a big shindig for their 30th?
I can't remember.


[Happy Birthday!]

Actually, my 30th was awesome. I was dating my now wife. We were both stationed in Germany, but for our birthdays (which are 3 years and 3 days apart), we took a trip to Ireland. She celebrated her 27th in Dublin - Guinness tour, pub crawl, Temple Bar. I celebrated my 30th on the Dingle Peninsula with a great meal of fresh lobster followed by Irish music into the night at a local pub. We had a great week.

My 40th was fun too. My wife surprised me with a ski weekend with 5 of my good friends.

Hope you have a great birthday - and 30 is just the beginning of the good years!
Go and listen to Frank Sinatra's September of My Years. It'll make you feel better 'cause you won't relate to it.

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My 30th was back in July. I decided to reinstate a party that I started throwing a few years back, but due to moving to a smaller house stopped. It seemed like the perfect time to bring back the Whisk(e)y party as I was back in a larger place.

Not a tasting party, but a celebration of the myriad forms of that delectable spirit. Rotgut to Rye. Pot Still to Bourbon, Speyside to Islay. Simply explained the people (singly or each group) who come should bring a bottle they wish to share, try or laugh about. As host I make sure to have mixers and alternative drinks as well as snacks and plenty of glassware. It is always a splendid bash and the wonderful secret of it is that I usually come out ahead in the long run with the bottles that the guests leave behind.

I think I had between 30-50 people all told at the party and could not imagine a better birthday. Well, perhaps if I had met my girlfriend before then as opposed to two weeks later.

If that is not up your alley I would advise just surrounding yourself with the great people in your life and simply smile.
Happy b-day..
I checked the date code list and it looks like 1979 code was "Z" i think there were still 1 or 2 razors in production at that time.
with luck you can find a z4 to have a birth year and qtr. razor.
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