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24 hr pif

Hi all,

Anyone considering taking the plunge to a straight razor are encouraged to apply. (Skip the shavette :thumbup:). Up for grabs is a 5/8" Full Hollow "Bismarck" with Palisander scales. I picked this up in Germany while I was working there. Currently it is surplus to my requirements as my AD kicked in. I would encourage you to PIF the razor when your AD kicks in.

I am a newbie myself and would hesitate to say with certainty "shave ready". Having said that it shaves me fine.

Reply to this tread in the next 24HRS to register your interest. My girlfriend will pick the winner out of a hat and I will have it in an EMS satchel this time tomorrow. I can send worldwide and will email you a tracking number.

Good Luck


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have been thinking of trying a straight for a long time but can't afford one! Hope i can get this chance to try it!

Thanks for the great PIF!
Having seen how well SE mows down stubble, I'm even more inclined to try my luck with a Straight Edge, which are said to be even more effective. I'm in!
Would love to try. I've never tried a straight razor. If it's not for me I will certainly PIF it on to someone else here.
Wauw that is one lovely razor, been lurking on here for a while and always wanted to start straight razor shaving. So please count me in. :D
If you don't mind shipping to Afghanistan then I would like to be considered.

Thank you for the opportunity and your generosity.
Not sure if i'm man enough to use one of these yet, but if I win, I will learn and document it on this site. Generous pif.
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