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2023 Sue Moore donations


No tattoo mistakes!


No tattoo mistakes!
FWIW regarding the brushes we donated this years:
30 mm Cumberland Honey Chief (https://www.badgerandblade.com/foru...-30-mm-cumberland-honey-ebonite-chief.645252/) - Res ipsa loquitur.

26 mm First Batch, Ivory PK-47 (https://www.badgerandblade.com/foru...ity-london-26-mm-faux-ivory-pk-47-nos.645256/) - We turned the First Batch handles in October of 2014, so nine years ago this month. I think the first reference is in this post: Dark Holler Design Works preview - https://www.badgerandblade.com/forum/threads/dark-holler-design-works-preview.420972/page-7#post-6739751. On the following page of the same thread is photo of those handles. The offering was over subscribed; however, we held onto at least one or two examples of each.

26 mm Second Batch, Strawberry Amber PK-47 (https://www.badgerandblade.com/foru...ndon-26-mm-strawberry-amber-pk-47-nos.645257/) - We started turning the Second Batch in October-November 2014 and shipped them to Lee Sabini in England for knots in April 2015. They were the first we finished and engraved in Kansas City (Overland Park). I believe discussion begins here:

26 mm Vesuvius PK-47 (https://www.badgerandblade.com/forum/threads/paladin-shaving-26-mm-vesuvius-pk-47.645250/) - Vesuvius is a material that was custom-made for Paladin in Italy on a bespoken basis. What we have left on hand is all there is, and when that's gone, I don't expect there will be any more of it.

28 mm Bazooka Chief (https://www.badgerandblade.com/forum/threads/paladin-shaving-28-mm-bazooka-chief.645255/) -

We custom ordered Bazooka in a larger diameter than the vendor stocked. That was several years ago. We're down to about 15-18" of remaining rod, which is enough to turn 5-6 handles. I don't know of anyone else every having the material in that size; I don't know of any vendor who continues to stock it; and I don't expect we'll order any more of it.

26 m Bazooka Chief (https://www.badgerandblade.com/forum/threads/paladin-shaving-26-mm-bazooka-chief.645253/) - See above.
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