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2014 Scent/Fragrance of the Day

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I was wearing Tommy before my shower for the spicy scent, and now that I've shaved, I'm sporting Old Spice Original from India. Perfect Christmas scent! :thumbup1:
Christmas Day, gift from my 10 yr. old - Fierce by Abercrombe & Fitch. The stuff responsible for the stifling mall cloud emanating from their stores, like a post-pubescent Yankee Candle hormone store. Was absolutely prepared to hate it. Wanted to, in fact. Hate to admit it, but by the end of the day, I ended up liking it quite a bit. Truth be told, in reasonable concentrations, this is very attractive fragrance. A bit like sour patch kids, juvenile, not very complicated and a bit overwhelming, but addiciive and hard to resist. In composition, the key chord that creates the atmosphere is a salty/fruity/spicy/herbal combo of petitgrain/orange/pineapple with cardamom, pine/fir, and rosemary. Very youthful and casual. Probably should have an under 25 age limit.

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