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2014 Scent/Fragrance of the Day

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Jinkoh to Byakudan
by Agar Aura

All this sampling of ASAQ had me lemming for some real mukhs so last night I put on some JtB, which in a nutshell is a blend of sandalwood and oud in the style of japanese incense. I was craving this so bad I put on a big gobbledy-goop of it so that my wrists were shiny-brown with the stuff. It's the perfect balance of sandalwood and incense - in my opinion - where both the oud notes and the sandalwood are both very vocal, neither one outperforming the other. For folks who love mysore but find it fleeting even in large doses, JtB lasts forever and I'm still fuming up the house with it. The oud is woody but neither fruity nor animalic nor screechy - it's warm, radiant, and carries the creamy, spicy facets of sandalwood perfectly. I purchased this in 2012 and as it has aged the sandalwood has improved, contrary to my expectations and much to my surprise. Being a fan of sandalwood, it is perhaps my favorite mukhallat to date. I only wish I'd had the foresight to purchase more of this. If I had only known. (image: Exultation by Bezt)

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