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2013 - Shave Purchase Encouragement!

2013 Year of Gentlemanly Provocation

Hello gentlemen, and Welcome to the shave purchase encouragement thread! Some may look down on the number of soaps, creams, and hardware in your shave den, but here it is encouraged.

I will start us off by saying "Hello, my name is Dusty, and I'm a shave purchase junkie, and I feel pretty good about it." I just purchased 100 more Astra SP blades even though I have 60 or so tucked away, and am looking forward to diversifying my brush portfolio with my new Semogue Owners' Club brush on the way.

Who else will join me in looking forward to a year filled with wonderful shave-related purchases?

:badger: :badger:
Great thread sir!

I'm in the middle of a soap/cream purchase sabbatical until I use at least one up (I'm at 3 creams and 8 soaps but as soon as I use one up, I've got 7 in the cart, waiting to be paid for). However, the blades are still coming! So far this year, I've picked up 100 more Astra SP's and 200 Super-Max stainless. Right before the new year, my 100 Gillette Silver-Blues came in. I'm up over 1200 blades now and have a few more to try which means 100 of each.
Nice! Great to have you guys, and glad to hear you are stocking up for the shavepocholypse! I will enjoy my new brush the minute it gets here. :biggrin1:
I'm looking forward to seeing this thread grow with lots of ideas. I will want to know what I can buy after I have used the 2013 sabbatical to save up some money. :lol:
I'm in! This is my 500th post and I can think of no better way to use it than to publicly confess that I love getting new shaving stuff, especially brushes, sops and creams. Way too much of all of it. But is that gonna stop me? Nope. For me the experimentation, variety and ability to satisfy my collector's impulse are what keep me enthused.

About to pull the trigger on a Burl and resin silvertip from Elite Razor.

Will be interesting to compare the progress of this thread vs. The Gentlemanly Restraint guys. To keep it interesting, I propose that those who declare themselves "in" use this thread to report every single one of their shaving purchases in 2013. Kind of the negative image of restraint.

In addition to the aforementioned brush, I bought a tube of Godrej lime in Nairobi and several tubes of Bulgarian creams in Sofia (although that may have been just before New Year). Finally, I picked up a vintage Rooney and a starter kit on the b/s/t.
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The wife's investment
I keep peeking at this thread looking for pictures. A thread like this has to have pictures.
Let's see, I figure I'll need this year:
A selection of soaps to compare
A selection of creams to compare
A slant
Something in an open comb
Alum block
witch hazel
A balm or two

My aversion to strong scents may keep me away from the aftershaves.
One further thought: could the OP or Mods re-name this the 2013 Gentlemanly Excess thread? If you take the British grandees as your exemplars of gentlemanliness (think Beau Brummell, Oscar Wilde, etc.), then restraint was never even close to being thought an admirable quality. Even Bertie Wooster had to be held back by the trusty Jeeves or he'd have gone with the lively socks.
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This thread is a nice initiative for sure but if you watch the sabbatical-thread closely you will see that it actually is an enabling-thread pur sang. Over 50 or 60 guys in there torturing each other with pics of things they almost bought......

This thread is a nice initiative for sure but if you watch the sabbatical-thread closely you will see that it actually is an enabling-thread pur sang. Over 50 or 60 guys in there torturing each other with pics of things they almost bought......

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