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2010 r41 vs Gillette NEW short comb vs 2013 r41

I'm using a Muhle r89 right now and i'm looking to use something that get's the job done more. I'd like something more effective while still being smooth. I'm interested in trying something else. I'm curious to how the 3 razors compare to each other. It sounds like the 2010 r41 might not be all THAT much more aggressive or effective than the de89/r89 head? How would a gillette NEW fit in there? I hear so much good things about them being effective but not very aggressive? And then there is the 2013 r41 which is supposed to be more tame than the 2011 but how would it compare to the gillette?
For aggressiveness (effectiveness) in my experience -

R41 = New short comb

For how forgiving (not nicking) in my experience -

New short comb > R41

If the 2010 R41 is the really old version with the blade on the comb (pre-2011 ninja slicer of doom), I would categorize it as a Merkur 1904 OC which some people love but my face hated (wouldn't cut stubble but would irritate my face. I'm not sure if I could nick myself with that razor if I tried).
So you're saying the gillette is just as effective as the 2013 r41 but smoother/more forgiving? It sounds like maybe I should skip the 2010 r41 as it might not be effective/aggressive enough and go with the gillette or the 2013. But it sounds like the gillette new might be a nicer shaver than the 2013 r41. interesting, can't wait to see what other people think who have tried at the three or even two to compare.
Also, how do people compare the long comb and short comb gillette new? I've talked to two people via PM who have tried both and they both seem to say they work the same but they have differing opinions on which is a smoother shaver.
Well, I'm happy to give my 2 cents :001_smile

I personally find the New open combs as close as the R41 but more forgiving. Between the long and short combs, it's much closer - I think the short comb is a touch more forgiving but some people find the opposite. Both are equally close for me.

Here's a link to razor head designs to compare: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/162987-Photo-Analysis-of-Razor-Designs?highlight=
And I'm happy for that, you've explained a lot of stuff for me in my threads. I'm thinking I want to get my hands on a shiny or replated gillette new short, sounds like it's what i might want to try next. I can always order a new 2013 r41 at anytime anyways. The gillette new is such a beautiful razor too. I do have a slim in the mail as well that i'll have to experiment with.
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If you want a step up, the new deluxe is a bit more aggressive than the new, but not quite as smooth as the new. I wouldn't give up my new or my new deluxe. If I had to choose, I'd take the new, though.
NEW long comb (replated with nickel by Krona) with a Gillette 7 O'clock SharpEdge (yellow) is about as close a shave as I get, yet smooth with NO irritation or nicks :)

Next closest is my slim with lab blue, opened to 9, but that tends to nick easy if I'm not really careful.
Also, how do people compare the long comb and short comb gillette new? I've talked to two people via PM who have tried both and they both seem to say they work the same but they have differing opinions on which is a smoother shaver.

I picked up both a LC and SC and the results are practically identical. I like the face feel of the SC a tiny bit more, but it's totally nitpicking. Both are great.
Like you, I started off with an R89. I decided that I wanted to try an open comb and stumbled upon a New short comb. Brought it home, shaved with it and haven't touched the R89 since. Some shaves are better than others but I get a far better shave with the new. I was curious about the long comb and bought one. Much like dushea, If I could shave blindfolded and used both the short and long comb, I doubt I could consistently tell you which one is which.
Great replies, sounds like I might love it. I've found a plated long comb version but I'd really like to find a short comb just for aesthetic purposes. Do you guys figure the New is just as close of a shaver but more smooth than the 2013 r41?
Do you guys figure the New is just as close of a shaver but more smooth than the 2013 r41?

I found the New to be as close but more forgiving/kinder to my face, so yes if by "smooth" you mean less irritating/nicking.
They both shave close but the r41 will get you there faster but needs more attention or you'll bleed. I like both razors but prefer the Short Comb New.
I have a New LC and a 2013 R41. I shaved 3-4 times with the New before I received my R41 and my initial impression were it was harsher, less forgiving than the reviews I had read and the advice I had been given. I was thinking that I may need to get the New SC to try. Then my 2013 R41 arrived and I shaved with it. Holy bloodbath batman. I was unprepared for the R41 and it really tore me up. If this is the "mild" version I never want to see the 2011 model. Anyhow, I changed blades, adjusted my angle of attack and even less pressure. I can now complete a shave with the R41, but it still gives me weepers and irritation around my mouth area....which is normally not a problem area for me. It shaves me great on my neck, which is usually my problem area.

Sorry, I'm getting to the point. After 3-4 shaves with the R41 I needed to let my face rest. I grabbed my New LC and after shaving with the R41 the New felt positively mild and smooth in comparison. I still had a few issues around the area where the R41 had irritated my skin, but I had a completely different experience with the New, which is a good thing.

Long story short, I think your experience with a razor will be relative to the other razors you have shaved with. If you have been using a mild razor the New will feel considerably more aggressive until you master it's needs and adjust to it. I am on the hunt for a New SC just because I want to feel the difference for myself. I "think" I will like the SC better, but that's just a guess at this point. The LC, with the teeth so droopy, seems to throw off my angle a bit I think....going by feel. I think the SC with the straighter comb will give me more feedback about my angle since I can use the feel of the short teeth against my skin as a point of reference, vs the LC which you can never feel the teeth. They droop so much it's almost like a safety bar.

I would now classify the New LC as a moderately aggressive razor that can be very smooth with proper attention to angle of attack and pressure. Before I had shaved with the R41 I would have labeled the New LC as more aggressive. Perspective.

Hope this helps a little.
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A Gillette Old Type is more in-line with the R41 than either the LC New or SC New. However, the R41 lacks the blade curvature that is present using an Old Type. I have some of my closest shave with the Old Type and not nearly the worry of nicks as with the R41 that I tested out.
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