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2 questions from the new guy

Ok guys Im back after a full blown no b.s., apply all that I have learned go at it! And.... Thanks to the fine sharing nature of you folks, I not only enjoyed every second of my experience, but, I ALSO had one of the best outcomes from a shave that I can remember. The combo was truly satisfying! Its amazing because these are true feelings from a new guy who has WAY more to learn, HOW EXCITING!!! I know it can be way, way, WAY better but I am so excited about the shave I put together today with the virtual nothing I have for tools and accessories.

I WANT TO ADD SOMETHING I DID FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER: I waited a total of 2 1/2 days which allowed the whiskers on my neck to be long enough to apply a skill mentioned in this thread by mswofford . I lathered and after doing so while making my way around the neck I ran my fingers accross the hair which made it easy for me to know which way to shave so that I was going WITH THE GRAIN. This along with a few other fundamentals can go along way, I am learning. I learned today that the hair on my neck actually grows toward my shoulders (east to west and west to east) on either side of my adams apple, which I never knew to pay attention to before listening and applying skills learned in this thread. In 1 shave of not ruthlessly going strait from 12-6 on my neck which I now know was ACROSS THE GRAIN (XTG) I have relieved most of the irritation on my neck, WHICH IS MY POINT HERE. The answer to the question that started my first thread here at B&B.

Ok so for anybody who cares this is how I rolled things out this morning... (P.S. I have decided that at this stage in the game for me I will only be posting questions and learning from experienced wet shavers, thus the below is not for anything other then just allowing others to help me get better)

I stayed at a 5 setting today on my Gillette Slim with a Shark blade.
I filled up a bowl with hot water and warmed up my spray barbasol and razor (I know, got kids so I am working on a budget but soon I will get a brush and some good gel)
Went ahead and showered and shaved right after I got out.
Lathered Up, and TOOK MY TIME Grasshopper!
Focused on going with the grain on my neck while NOT OVER STRETCHING (thanks TonyJ) which Ill be honest I need to work on because while focusing on going WTG I was stretching a bit. Practice, practice practice!!! :)
Overall guys, I loved it and cant wait till tomorrow, ya know?


Did I leave anything out? Probably! ;) Thanks again Guys!
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