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2 DE blades in 1 razor= Double the cutting power!

Actually, no. It sucks. This has to be one of the dumbest shave stunts I have pulled. I was in a hurry, and I quickly seated a Red Pack IP in my Fat Boy. For some reason it was dragging a lot. I had it set at 7, which is usually fine with an IP. I switched the blade to my long-tooth New, to no real improvement. I got an acceptable 2-pass shave, then saw what the problem was. I had left a Wal-Mart Personna in the Fat Boy, and did not notice it in my haste. When I switched the "blade" over to the New, the water had suctioned the two Personnas together, and I didn't notice I had two blades in the razor.

:a52: :a13:
Of course the results were terrible! That's because the Fat Boy doesn't have a rubberized handle, a lube strip or a little flashlight in the handle to help you see what you're doing. :001_rolle
Of course the results were terrible! That's because the Fat Boy doesn't have a rubberized handle, a lube strip or a little flashlight in the handle to help you see what you're doing. :001_rolle

Now the flashlight might be kinda usefull.....

Back on topic....that is an unfortunate disaster, and we are glade to hear you made it out alive! Let this be a warning to all....don't double up! I can't help but imagine newspaper headlines of an epidemic of doubled up blades sweeps across the nation, taking out men's faces everywhere!
someone tried this on here before with equally crappy results.

Oh, this was not on purpose. I was just in a hurry and sat a good blade on a cheap one. If I had not been so lazy as to not empty the Fat Boy it wouldn't have happened. Trying it on purpose makes no sense, at least to me.
FWIW those ideas were marketed as Schick 2002. Guess that's what you learn when staying too long on B&B :blush:

See, those would be great if they made them with 5 tiers. Then you could stack 2 of them and have a 10-blade shave! It would be the greatest thing since power steering. That's interesting, though. Did look like a last-ditch effort to make some DE profit.
Oh, this was not on purpose. I was just in a hurry and sat a good blade on a cheap one. If I had not been so lazy as to not empty the Fat Boy it wouldn't have happened. Trying it on purpose makes no sense, at least to me.

Well, that's the problem right there.

Everyone knows that multi-blade cartridges work so well BECAUSE they are expensive.
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