Here are a couple of brushes that I have restored and am just now getting around to posting.
The first one is a nice little butterscotch handle. I never got around to taking before restoration pictures, wish I had now. The old knot extraction went fairly easily. I did have to drill down fairly deep to get all the old glue out and have a nice clean start for the new knot. I chose a 18mm Finest Badger from the Golden Nib. I set it fairly deep so that the proportions looked a little better. It ended up with a 44mm loft and an overall measurement of 91mm. On one side of the handle is stamped, almost unreadable, "Marshal Fields", so nice to know who originally sold the brush. It is nice and stiff, great for face lathering. I'm used to a larger brush so it seems strange to use it at first but by the end of the shave I always enjoy using it. All in all I am happy with how it turned out.
The first one is a nice little butterscotch handle. I never got around to taking before restoration pictures, wish I had now. The old knot extraction went fairly easily. I did have to drill down fairly deep to get all the old glue out and have a nice clean start for the new knot. I chose a 18mm Finest Badger from the Golden Nib. I set it fairly deep so that the proportions looked a little better. It ended up with a 44mm loft and an overall measurement of 91mm. On one side of the handle is stamped, almost unreadable, "Marshal Fields", so nice to know who originally sold the brush. It is nice and stiff, great for face lathering. I'm used to a larger brush so it seems strange to use it at first but by the end of the shave I always enjoy using it. All in all I am happy with how it turned out.