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2 ButterScotch Restores

Here are a couple of brushes that I have restored and am just now getting around to posting.

The first one is a nice little butterscotch handle. I never got around to taking before restoration pictures, wish I had now. The old knot extraction went fairly easily. I did have to drill down fairly deep to get all the old glue out and have a nice clean start for the new knot. I chose a 18mm Finest Badger from the Golden Nib. I set it fairly deep so that the proportions looked a little better. It ended up with a 44mm loft and an overall measurement of 91mm. On one side of the handle is stamped, almost unreadable, "Marshal Fields", so nice to know who originally sold the brush. It is nice and stiff, great for face lathering. I'm used to a larger brush so it seems strange to use it at first but by the end of the shave I always enjoy using it. All in all I am happy with how it turned out.

The next one is a little larger butterscotch handle. I did this restoration about a year ago but never got around to doing a post about it. It originally had a boar knot in it. The extraction when fairly easy and with a little clean up was ready for a new knot. It got a 20mm Silver Tip from the Golden Nib. The loft was set to 52mm and a total measurement of 91mm. The knot is very soft and still has plenty of stiffness for face lathering. A real joy to use and very happy with how this one turned out.



Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Both of those are absolutely beautiful, great job! It's really great that the decal was so well preserved.
They are a lovely pair of brushes- thanks for posting. I would love to see a side-by-side shot if it was possible!
Great job on those two butter's..... I really like the looks of the second one, thanks for sharing them with us. :thumbup1:
Both of the brushes look incredible. I love the handle shape of the second one. I have never seen a butter-scotch color that looked more delicious to me. How do they taste?
They are beautiful samples for good restorations. Besides, the butterscotch handles are shining as the Sun. Excellent work.
Thanks for all the nice comments. I do really find it rewarding bring back life to some old - but beautiful handles. I wish I could find more of them in the wild - be it butterscotch or otherwise. I have two other handles I'm working on at the moment and will post when I get them done.

send a side-by-side shot please.
those are beauties.

I'll get a side by side done and posted within the next couple of days. Thanks for the idea.
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