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1st Simpsons Arrived This Morning

I have been DE shaving for over two months. I have tried several creams and wanted to start experimenting with brushes.

After reading several threads here at B&B, I went for it and bought a Duke 2 Best and Wee Scott. I had been eager to try the Duke after all the good reviews, but after seeing the Wee in person, my shaving tomorrow will most certainly be with it. No picture I've seen yet truly prepared me for its size. Cannot wait.

The Wee Scot is a KILLER brush. I enjoy mine a LOT. I need to use it more often but I keep forgetting about it :smile:

Here is a pic of the little guy in my large scuttle that will give you a smile

"Help my brush has fallen and it can't get up"

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Turtle- You are right. I did get a good chuckle out of seeing the brush in your large scuttle. Do you use it everyday (the scuttle, I mean)? I was wondering about getting one of those sometime down the line.

Also, 7 O Menthol, here is a quick pic. The best I could do at the office (where the brushes were shipped). We all ship to the office right, so our wives won't know exactly how much we spent and how often we do it? Right? If not, say so please to make me feel better!
View attachment 258214

Turtle- You are right. I did get a good chuckle out of seeing the brush in your large scuttle. Do you use it everyday (the scuttle, I mean)? I was wondering about getting one of those sometime down the line.

Also, 7 O Menthol, here is a quick pic. The best I could do at the office (where the brushes were shipped). We all ship to the office right, so our wives won't know exactly how much we spent and how often we do it? Right? If not, say so please to make me feel better!

Beauty! Enjoy it, getting me jealous!
Never used the Wee but the Duke 2 is a great brush, especially for face lathering. Used mine this morning. Have fun with your 2 new Simpson acquisitions

Another size comparison. I love my wee for traveling when paired with a shave stick. It only holds enough for a 2 passer though.
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Patman 27,
That is an awesome comparison for the Wee to show its size.
What shave stick might you recommend? I have been using TOBS Sandalwood cream as my primary option.




B&B's Man in Italy
Both brushes are terrific for face lathering, especially soaps in either puck and stick version. I'd put them in action with a quality soap like La Toja, Martin de Candre or some fine artisan soaps.
Congrats on your new acquisitions! I too own a Wee Scot, Duke 1 & 3 among other Simpson brushes...all great in their own right. You won't be disappointed with either of your new brushes...The Wee Scot is amazing...Enjoy!
Wee scot was the best Simpsons brush Very underrated. I took mine to the hospital to give my dad a warm lather shave, the it went MIA......I should replace it.
Both brushes are terrific for face lathering, especially soaps in either puck and stick version. I'd put them in action with a quality soap like La Toja, Martin de Candre or some fine artisan soaps.
Marco, do u know where i can get a simpsons duke 2 or 3 in super 2 band? I know there's a website but forget the name of it.
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