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1st Adjustable?

Gonna buy my 1st adjustable and I'm just wondering which to get. I'm edging towards a Gillette Fatboy, or maybe a Merkur Progress? And what blade goes best with an adjustable? Thanks for any advice.
I have the Merkur Progress and a Fatboy...they are both great razors! I get a slightly better shave from the Progress, but YMMV. I have not tried a Futur yet, but I guess I better get one :)
I have a Progress, Fatboy, Slim, and a Super Adjustable. Personally I like the Slim the best.

The slim has a nice slim (go figure) head that is very easy to maneuver under your nose. The handle is about the right length for me, but it is also slim. I wish it was fatter like the Fatboy, but thats my only problem with it. The Fatboys head is bigger and therefor less maneuverable for me. The handle is also very short even if it has the girth I prefer. The Super Adjustable is also very nice, but it feels a bit light and the knurling is not quite as grippy. The Pogress is a fine razor, but it has its quirks. It has no knurling on the handle so it can get slippery when wet. The short handle Progress is very short, and had to get an extension so it fit my big hands. Though the long handle one would have solved this as well. The head is nice and heavy, though it is thicker than even the Fatboy. Its shaped slightly better though so its not as bad as it sounds.

The only other factor to consider is that you can pick up a vintage Gillette for as little as $10 or 15 on Ebay or B/S/T. Though your probably going to pay $20-30 for one in good shape. The Progress on the other hand starts at $50. Just something else to consider.

As for blades you really have to pick a razor and a sample pack to see what works for you. I personally like Iridum Supers and Aster Superior Platinums.
I'm a huge fan of the vintage gillettes, not only for price but for quality of shave as well. So my vote woudld be a fatboy or a slim.
I have a Futur and its a hard one to beat; well designed, nice handle feel and length, and the head has a nice matte finish that glides nicely on my face. It has real weight and heft to it, and even with all of these features, I succumbed to my relentless RAD and recently ordered a Merkur Progress, another adjustable.

I can't comment on the vintage adjustables, but I can say that for me, the Futur is a solid and well-designed piece of shaving kit, and could really do it for you if you want a heavy, solid razor.

Best of luck,

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