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This ad is from an issue of Life Magazine, circa 1950.

The ad says...

"Bury your summer shaving cares in soothing Barbasol."

Hmmmm...um what exactly is it that I am going to bury?

Notice the angled shaving cream tube poking out of the package? Well, I'm sure that any red blooded man that looked at this ad in 1950, might have an angled tube poking out of his package as well. I'm just surprised they didn't have shaving cream spurting out of the end of the tube.

Gentlemen, what do you think?
Think? More "react" :w00t:

I just love these old ads, there is no way you'd get away with a picture like that today, still it seems very harmless, the message is very clear, still not tacky IMO.
Just wants to make you wanna..well, shave with Barbasol!
If I was in the unfortunate situation like the fellow in the ad shown in the OP (no arms or lower body and zero body tan), I could only dream of having a beautiful, scantily clad woman faceturbating me.
Baba...I think what you see in that add is just a reflection of what you want to see.

That sort of "garden maintenance" was almost unheard of 60 years ago, it's an innocent playful ad, they didn't know any different.
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Notice the angled shaving cream tube poking out of the package? Well, I'm sure that any red blooded man that looked at this ad in 1950, might have an angled tube poking out of his package as well. I'm just surprised they didn't have shaving cream spurting out of the end of the tube.

Gentlemen, what do you think?

Sex sells, always has, always will. I love that old advertising art. That took some real talent.
That sort of "garden maintenance" was almost unheard of 60 years ago, it's an innocent playful ad, they didn't know any different.

Umm, err... Nonsense.:001_smile Advertising has always been very calculated. Then as now there were whole buildings full of people figuring out how to tell men to use this product and get laid :001_rolle
ahh, back when women weren't made of plastic and silicone...i think i was born in the wrong era...any time travel machines on the BST?
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