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1904 re-visited

In my DE rotation I have the 1904 safety bar which was my go to DE until I learned the proper way to use my slant. For some time the slant has been my go to, however today I decided to use the 1904, and wow, what a shave I had. After using my slant along with a couple of OC razors, my poor 1904 was neglected and unused. What a mistake that was. The shave today was one of the best I've every had from any DE. I don't think that 1904 will sit on the end of my rotation anymore. Has anyone else had this same experience?


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
I've had the experience of great shaves with my 1904, yes. Leaving it neglected and unused ... no.
My 1904 has been confined in my dopp kit for months. I think I will set it free for a few shaves. Its truly a fine razor for me as well.:001_smile
I started out in the beginning of July with the Merkur 34C.

About 3 weeks ago my brand spanking new Merkur 1904 OC arrived. I couldn't wait and decided to shave with it that night. It was awesome. The learing curve was pretty quick, the OC was mild and the shaves were the smoothest I've had (depending on the blade.)

I kind of feel sorry for the razor that has to sit in the back of the cupboard, but I don't want to neglect any of them. The 1904 OC will definately remain in constant rotation.
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