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100% Bricks and Mortar

Has anyone else tried shaving using only what they can buy in a local shop? I thought this was an interesting exercise in case at some point I run out of fancy ordered-online stuff and can't afford to replace it - could I still shave well?

My setup was all from Boots, a large UK pharmacy: Wilkinson DE razor with Wilkinson blades, Men-U brush and their own brand of shaving stick. Verdict: an adequate shave. The razor works OK, as does the stick. The brush does seem to shed a bit more than other brushes I've used (which have all been cheap ones) and it doesn't hold quite so much lather. If I had to shave using this kit every day probably what I would miss most would be Feather blades. Nothing else seems to cut through my beard as cleanly. The Wilkinson's were adequate but tugged a bit. In the shop they were also twice what I pay for Feathers (10 pack for £4).

So maybe I could allow myself to carry on with the Feathers if I was going down to basics.

I suppose another aspect is this entire shaving kit cost less than £20. So (in the UK at least) Joe Bloggs could get himself a decent set-up for the same as an 8 pack of Fusions. Which isn't bad going really.

Of course the fact my current store of shaving stuff will probably last 3-4 years probably renders this a purely academic exercise, but it was fun trying.
When I travel I find that it is much more convenient to
"procure my gear on site," rather than pack my own stuff. Except my razor, that comes with me. :biggrin1:
Between my local supermarket chains and WalMart, I could keep using the VDH and Williams soaps. US Personna DEs are available generically at the two supes and the two chain pharmacies nearby. My "usual" supermarket stocks them the cheapest; tax-paid they are just under 25 cents apiece for ten of them. Clubman is available locally as well if I couldn't buy boutique aftershave stuff anymore.
Locally nobody (that I know of) sells new brushes or safety razors. You could get a razor from an antique store and clean it up (which I enjoy) but you'd still be left with no brush. Still you could buy one of two soap pucks (Van Der Hagen & Williams) and attempt to lather up with a wash cloth or some other manner ... or just rub olive oil on you face :lol: and I suppose out of desperation stoop to buying canned shave foam/gel ... but.....yeah ... probably not gona happen, lol
With the exception of the razors themselves, everything I shave with is locally procured.

Blades: Personnas (super market brand or procured from local .99 Only Store 5 to a package)

Creams: C.O. Bigelow/Creamo
Soaps: VDH Deluxe
Brush: VDH from Walgreen's
Aftershaves: too many to list
Blades: Wilkinson Sword from walmart
Soap: VDH or Williams
AS: Barbasol Pacific Rush or Nivea ASB

I could do fine with just that, it just wouldn't be as much fun.
Its how I started 6 monthes ago...

Razor- Red Tip from Yard Sale
Brush- Col Conk Boar Mall Cigar Shop & VDH Boar CVS
Soap- VDH, Conks, and Williams
Cream- The Real Shave Co Rite Aid, TBS Maca Root Mall, Bigelow Bath & Body Works
Blades- Wilkinsons Wally World, Dorcos Kmart/Dollar Stores, Brand Personnas Pharmacy
Aftershaves-Aqua Velva, Old Spice, Brut, English Leather, Afta, etc

There is actually a suprising amount of stuff you can ferret out if you dig. Not always as nice as the "Good" stuff, but way better than goop and a disposable.


PS-OP don't forget Boots Lather Shave Cream! I just got some from a great member in the UK!!
I don't know where I'd be able to find a new, inexpensive DE razor. There's a shop here in town that carries Truefitt & Hill so I imagine I could get one through them. The rest of my equipment I could source locally but man I'd be hurtin' using the crap DE blades available around here!


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I suppose I could get by solely by brick and mortar. Thank goodness I live near NYC!
Ugh. I'd be using nothing but VDH soap with a VDH boar, and wouldn't even have a DE.

I'd still have my Clubman, though! Olfactory bliss would continue in some small fashion.
Has anyone else tried shaving using only what they can buy in a local shop?

I suppose I could get by solely by brick and mortar. Thank goodness I live near NYC!

I suppose you could. If only that were true coast to coast.

"Back in the day" I was able to get soap, brush, razor and blades from grocery stores. Now they stock only the soap, if anything at all for traditional wet shaving.
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In NYC it'd be fairly easy to do, but it's actually more cost effective to buy online. Sometimes I'll take the hit to support the local Mom & Pop, though. And I have yet to find a cheaper source (outside India) for Godrej than Patel Bros.
I have a couple of stores in town which stock DEs, straights, badger brushes, quality soaps, creams & AS so I could easily shave with B&M pickings. It is, however, less expensive and more fun to shop over the internet :biggrin1:
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Everything I use I have purchased locally, from the DEs I found at antique stores, flea markets and garage sales, to my brushes, strops 16 soaps and 17 creams everything except my straights, those I bought from various online sites which I will be going back to because I want some tabac, I have the cologne and got to try the soap. I just need to narrow down the other 3 to make it an even 20.
For local brick and mortar, you could buy KMF at most health/natural food stores. Also, until they quit making it, Tom's of Maine was one of my favorite creams and it was available several such places as well. I use a disposable Schick razor still and I use Thayer's as an aftershave. All-in-all, not a bad set-up although I think it would get awful boring using the same products day after day after day after day. FWIW.

Like many above, I'd have to use VDH boar and soap, but a variety of shave creams, both brush and brushless, are available. After shaves would be no problem with a large selection, same with colognes, conditioners, powders etc. Blades would be the local store brand-I think all the same blade with different packaging. No DE or SE razors from usual sources. We do have a Weldon Barber which carries Art of Shaving and Jack Black Gear so better brushes, preshaves, soaps and a few razors are available there. Oddly, they do not carry any blades! lLocal antique stores often have brushes and DE, straight razors. My barber, an old fashioned barber in my athletic club carries a few Omega brushes and will order any gear you want from barber supply houses.
Hmm... I think a can get a full loadout in my area.

Razor: Dorco PL-602 DE Razor (found at a 99 Cent Store)
Soap: VDH, or Williams
Cream: C.O. Bigelow cream
Brush: VDH deluxe, or a Shea Moisture Brush from Target
Blades: Personna, Wilkison Sword, Dorco
Aftershave: AV, Barbasol, Pinaud Clubman, ect.

More info on the Dorco plastic DE here.
There is a tabbaconist in town and she sells a whole range of parker razors, around 10 different de blades like crystal, astras etc, paraso, drharris, tobs, trumpers creams, badger brushes, a/s, dovo straights and strops so as long as i get on with a parker, i could pull through:thumbup:
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