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Item Description

Indonesian farmers toil in their islands' rich limestone soils to grow their flavorful tobacco leaves. After harvesting and air drying the leaves the unique aging process begins. The villagers roll the leaves into 10 foot long sticks of pure tobacco which they then bind using hand made cord to protect from the outside air. They then put these sticks inside their primitive huts and store them for 5 years as the tobacco becomes richer by the day. After aging, this tobacco is cut into three or ten inch sticks for sale as pipe tobacco, as well as being used as a component in Indonesian made cigars, such as Tambo Cigars.

Latest reviews

Pros: Nicotine bomb, simple flavors, no bite, easy to light
Cons: Nicotine bomb, not much flavor
I've heard previously that this was sold in long ropes that had to be steamed, but my bagged arrived in ribbon cut, ready to smoke condition.

In one sentence, I'd describe this tobacco as 1792 without the tonquin flavor, add a little cigar leaf. It certainly is a nicotine bomb, buried me in my seat and I'm not a lightweight!
It lights easily and smokes cool. The burley flavor is there and the cigar leaf adds a nice creaminess, but overall it's a little bland, boring, and simple. I'll probably finish off the rest of this bag by blending it with other tobaccos to make a more complex smoke.
Don't go out of your way to try this one, but it's not a bad 'baccy.

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