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Palmolive/Mennen Shave Stick

Item Description

Australian made Palmolive Shave Stick: http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/Palmolive_OZ_Shaving_Stick

Used to be known as Mennen (also made in Australia).

Latest reviews

Pros: cheap and cheerful, good lather, pleasant scent
I love this stuff! I made a puck and pressed it into a shaving bowl and get a terrific lather. even rubbing the stick into a moistened beard and face brushed gives a really great lather. did I mention that I love it?

this soap appeals to four of my five senses. in the morning when preparing to shave I open the shaving (aka medicine) cabinet and the scent hits me and gets me in the 'shaving zone'.

it makes a water-holding cushiony lather that lasts to the end of a three or four pass shave, it's inexpensive, pleasant smelling, one stick will last you many months of daily shaving, and works well with Faulding shave cream for a SUPER superlather.

I have nothing bad to say about this soap - tallow, who needs it? Aussie Palmolive Shave Stick will outperform many more expensive/trendy/artisanal/boutique/high-end soaps. get some!
5.00 star(s)
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I'll check my two cents in:

I used this for a year before discovering Badger and Blade. It was the only soap I found commonly available. Makes a decent lather IF you soak it a bit first: 'cause it's harder than Vinnie Jones in a Tarantino film film. Don't expect nice scents, packaging or moisturiser 'cause you won't get any of that. It's just shaving soap and it's priced accordingly.

It must be the cheapest shave around 'cause the stick is around two bucks and lasted me nearly 12 months shaving every second day. Buy it and give it a go: if you don't like it you haven't lost the price of a cup of coffee.
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Pros: Locally available everywhere in Oz
Cons: Not as good as the tallow version (Palmolive Euro gut 2,2)
This is one of those products that I've used quite a lot over the past few years and I never reviewed it... I reckon that you can't really beat the price ($2 AUD) for a stick. I don't think that I've finished my first stick yet but I'm working on it.

The scent is similar to the Euro Palmolive gut 2,2. The Australian version does not contain any tallow it is however triple milled (do not try to melt it in the microwave). The lather isn't as good as the Euro version but I think it's close enough.

Bottom line is, for $2, it's available everywhere in Oz, it's not too expensive if someone wants a cheap soap or just want to try a shave stick. It's not the best product in the world or in the market. If you want a better price/quality/made in Australia, my recommendation would be the Australian Palmolive shaving cream. So, if you're in Australia and didn't try it yet. Give it a go!
5.00 star(s)
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4.00 star(s)

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