This shaving soap stick (tallow version) was discontinued in the second half of 2021 . It currently (February 2022) is still available in some stores but expect to pay a premium price. It has risen with some vendors to over USD 15 for 100g (including container).
The scent of this stick may not be liked by some. My girlfriends say that it smells like their grandmother's purse.
I straight razor shave and face lather. Tallow Tabac stick provides exceptional slickness for SR shaving, almost as good as the ARKO stick. It does not have the residual slickness of the ARKO stick.
The tallow Tabac stick is not my go-to shaving soap but I do enjoy SR shaving with it.
Did a face lathering today and wow. The scent is the star, although this definitely delivers a great, slick lather. I'm getting ready to travel in a few weeks and this has made the cut for my vacation soap. At this price I can afford to have it lost by the airlines without crying, but enjoy a quality soap if it makes it through.
Thanks to a Amazon gift card via Bing Rewards, I was finally able to purchase a stick of Tabac soap. It was $8 and change shipped from England, and it arrived in a truly astonishing 10 days!
(Here's a link for you bargain hunters: ages00
Well, today was the day. I loaded the soap directly on my face (my preferred ARKO method) and lathered as I would any other soap. The results were truly astonishing.
I got one of the closest shaves I've had in a while, and my face feels excellent even without AS. The scent is something that I enjoy/love, a statement that more than a few people might disagree with. I don't really get the "ashtray" or "old lady purse" scent that some people say they get from it, but something more along the lines of a kitchen spice rack. Black pepper, citrus (orange/grapefruit cross), and talc in that order. It made me think of somebody who has their life together and knows what they like. Don't know why, it just did.
I will definitely be returning to this stick and will likely buy a refill once I run out, but seeing how large the stick is makes it unlikely to happen for quite some time.