These blades just work for me . I've given friends these blades to try out all of them have switched over. I get 7 to 10 shaves out of one blade. One of my friends used a new blade every shave with his old blade now gets 3 shaves out of one blade.
For me this is an OK blade. Nothing wrong with them, but nothing spectacular either. For the price I have found better options for me.
On my beard I frankly can't tell the difference between these blades and Labs. I tried a "blind"test. I had my wife put a blade in my Gillette Slim without telling me which blade it was. I shaved half my face with a Med, the other half with a Lab. I couldn't tell which was which.
Decent blade, nothing wrong with them, but for me I have found others that shave closer and smoother.
One of the overlooked wonders for shaving. Very sharp but also very smooth. No need to look to Russia for Iridiums when these are at hand here in the U.S.
I found this blade to be very smooth. The smoothest I had ever tried yet. I loaded it in my Merkur 23c and shaved my face one morning when I was in a rush and found that I was able to get a very close shave without any risk of weepers or nicks. It may not have very good packaging (just a paper sleeve inside a bulk box of 100) but it really feels great to shave with. My girlfriend uses it to shave under her arms and legs and she says its the only blade smooth enough for her to want to use on her legs. If you want to buy them for a great price this was the best I could find online.
Happy shaving!
QUALITY - Top notch blades. Have yet to run across a bad one. It's amazing just how smooth they are without losing much in the sharpness category!
SHARPNESS - It's a little hard for me to rate this one. This blade does not feel sharp (as in dangerous) on my face, and at the same time they give an excellent close shave without pulling!
LONGEVITY - I can use one for 5-7 days without any pulling.
SMOOTHNESS OF SHAVE - Possibly the smoothest blade I have used to date. YMMV I know...but to me they are smoother and sharper than Crystals, Swedish Gillette, and Derby blades.
PACKAGING - The downfall! they come in a rectangular cardboard container that would not be very good for home use. By the looks of it they come in packs of 200.
CONCLUSION - Extremely forgiving, extremely effective, and extremely hard to find!