These are a very reasonably priced Egyptian blade. You can't go wrong for what little you will spend. They are a bright hard steel of obvious good quality. My pack was a bit on the sharp side. More than sharp enough to
provide a very smooth, clean shave with no nicks. I can get 3 shaves from each side of the blade. I usually only go twice though because I just want a clean blade at that point. The packaging is more colorful than some of the other styles of Lord Blades. This blade is definitely worth having. This does raise a question though. If other blades, such as Crown, are made at this same factory how come they don't also get these high ratings? Has anyone tried the Crown blade recently? What was your opinion of it? I've only ever seen one review of the Crown.
provide a very smooth, clean shave with no nicks. I can get 3 shaves from each side of the blade. I usually only go twice though because I just want a clean blade at that point. The packaging is more colorful than some of the other styles of Lord Blades. This blade is definitely worth having. This does raise a question though. If other blades, such as Crown, are made at this same factory how come they don't also get these high ratings? Has anyone tried the Crown blade recently? What was your opinion of it? I've only ever seen one review of the Crown.