These razors are routinely poo-pooed by the cognoscenti. Too mild, too common, not thrilling. So what? It's still a decent razor that can give a pretty good shave.
Price- You can get a 70 year old one for five bucks. Assuming a very modest inflation rate of 5%, that's the equivalent of an initial purchase price of a whopping 15 cents. In other words, they don't come any cheaper than these.
Quality- good enough to last 70 years.
User friendly- Here's the home run. It's a perfect beginner's razor. The small head is perfectly suited for learning that all important angle thing.
Grip- Okay with the ball end handle, but very good with the thick handle version.
Aggressiveness- Better use a Feather
I used one today, and was very happy with the results. I'll admit, however, that I don't reach for these too often.
The Tech is one of those rare Gillette razors that actually got better for a while instead of worse. The razor in the above photograph dates from the late 40's or 1950's I would guess, it is better than the original thick handled Gold Tech. IMO the 1950's Tech variants are probably the nicest.
The best thing about the Tech is the price; $5 can get you a nice razor. Quality of the handle construction varied over the years, but it is best to look out for a thin handle like the one above.
The Tech is a three-piece razor and probably the least aggressive shaving tool generally available. This lack of aggression is both a positive & negative. For me I like a little more aggression, but a Tech is capable of a close shave and it just does it very gently ..., a good razor for those who have particularly sensitive skin I'd say.
The adjustability mark is meaningless because it is a fixed blade, and marking for aggressiveness is just plain silly, too much aggression is a bad thing, it makes handling difficult and irritation more likely.
Balance - The Tech is a light razor, but generally well balanced.
The Tech is not my favourite razor by a long way ..., but it has it fans, and it can be had for only a few dollars.
Hey new guy! Yeah, you! Consider buying this razor. It'll get you started in the right shaving direction.
This was the second razor I purchased. I got it at an antique store for $10. Some of the gold lacquer was coming off but that didn't bother me. In fact, I'd read in the forums that cider vinegar was bad for cleaning these razors because it would remove the lacquer. So with that in mind, I used the vinegar to get rid of the flaking lacquer. The razor looked beautiful afterwards.
Once I had cleaned the razor, I threw in a fresh Merkur blade and had one of the best shaves of my life. Why? Because the Tech is about the least aggressive razor you can buy. Sure, if you're not careful you can still nip yourself as it has a blade in it, but with this razor you can shave in almost any direction with no fear of irritation. The setup of the head, blade, and the safety bar are that good in terms of giving a gentle shave.
Now a lot of razor jockeys out there want to live on the edge and dial their adustable up to 9 or, N, or whatever the highest setting is on their implement of choice. But here's an idea, why not use a Gillette Tech, get the most number of irritation free passes possible and enjoy the results. You do like good results, don't you?
I love this razor the day after I use my Merkur Classic Long Handle, or a Gillette adjustable when I might have gotten a little too aggressive, gave myself a bit of razor burn because I was pushing my technique. The Tech will get me back on track, give my skin time to heal but with a good shave as well.
The price is perfect, about $5 - $10, it does a good job, it's the perfect beginner's razor that can deliver a superior shave to an old DE hand.
Probably the most used of all my razors. In fact, I liked the first one I got so much, I began collecting them and now have quite a few. Too many to count maybe. This includes three or four of the fat-handled variety.
May not be overtly aggressive, but if you wield it across your face properly and have a great lather on... it'll mow the whiskers down in short order.
Like adjustables too much to go with a fixed head? I find these to be adjustable. Just don't tighten it all the way, or add a shim in there, and you can increase the blade gap. This is a manual razor.
More often than of these is my daily shaver.
I always recommend the TECH to a newbie who is looking for a starter razor-The lighter weight and gentle head geometry make it a winner for some one switching from a cartridge razor. I own quite a few of these and I use them regularly As a big believer in reduction,the tech is a perfect razor. Add a Feather blade and you can get a terrific BBS irritation free shave.
I bought two kinds of DE to try out. (I have a light beard and cut myself easily so was only interested in gentle razors). Between the Super Speed Blue Tip and the Tech the Tech wins hands-down. Not only is it a beautiful piece of machining and plating (vs the SS which seems like a crudely-made mass-market stamping by comparison) but the head is so much easier to manoever under my nose than the silo-door affair.
I bought this razor as part of an antique shave kit - including the micro-short handled version about 3 years ago at an antique shop in Iowa. From the 'K' stamp, I think it is a 1940 chrome version. The chrome shines like new and the razor glides effortlessly with zero irritation. Not very 'aggressive,' so no bloodletting, and it has a very thin handle which is a bit too small for my large hands.
Overall, it is a good second razor behind my 1960 Fat Boy, and when I am in a hurry, this is the one I reach for. A nice performer, but not blow-my-socks-off wonderful.
I bought my first Tech a few months ago off of eBay. To be honest, it was a bit of a mistake and was one I didn't really want, but for $5.00 and shipping, what the heck.
I wish all of my mistakes turned out this well. These are mild razors, but mild seems to work very well for me. Rarely a nick, no irritation and BBS that last through the day. What is not to like? I now have three and I am looking to purchase more.
A Tech would be a good option for me for the desert island scenario.
I like this razor. I have to do 4 passes to get BBS though. The ball End could make grip troublesome. It's lack of aggressiveness at first made me press down at first but now I think it's a great razor when used properly with a good lather. On the hunt for more.
The Merkur HD is often suggested as a good beginner razor, and it's the one I used when starting out. It's a good razor, no doubt about it, but for a beginner I'd recommend either the Tech or Super Speed.
I get great shaves from the Tech and it's much easier to shave with than the HD which is quite a bit more aggressive than the Tech and less forgiving.
I rated the Tech as 10 for aggressiveness since it's easy to get a good close shave without much risk of a bloodbath!
The blade replacement mechansm is not a great one but as long as you are careful and not drunk you shouldn't have any problems.
The tech (Gold, ball handle) was the first razor I bought
(came w/ a vintage travel case) and I love it, so I bought another one..
which I love even more. My latest is a late 30's British Fat Handle Tech
(see pic) and performs wonderfully. IMHO the tech is a great DE razor
to learn with, and at many times, to come back to after being disappointed
by spending a ton my on a razor with a more sophisticated name. You can't go wrong, pick up a tech and shave away!
These razors would be my choice for anyone contemplating DE shaving.Beautifull,well balanced pieces of sheer simplicity at bargain basement prices,that out perfom most of their more expensive bretheren by a country mile.A must have.
I overlooked these sweet little razors for so long. For a razor that is so plentiful, and so cheap, I was surprised that it was such a mild shave. If you're looking for a razor that will take your beard off in a minimum of passes, then this one is NOT it. But if you really just enjoy the shaving experience, and have the time to spend, then this little baby will give you a nice, comfortable shave. I use a Feather blade in a thick-handled tech, and my-oh-my... what a SWEET shave it is. Very forgiving... even with a Feather in it.
I have been shaving with a DE razor for 35 years. I actually started with an adjustable and just recently bought up a number of techs. Don't sell this razor short. I have found that the nature of the shave depends as much on the products you put on your face and the blade as the razor. For instance, I can get a great shave with a Merker (non-adjustable) and basically any blade with the right soap or cream. On the other hand, I get a irratating shave with a Merker (non adjustable) with a limited lubricating soap like Williams. You may find that in your case the tech will perform much better for your face with a ultra sharp Feather than with a Derby, for instance. On the other hand you may feel like you are ripping your face apart with a Merker non-adjustable and a Feather. Trial and error works best.
I was astonished by this razor. I just got one from eBay and paid very little for it. When I received it I was surprised - it seems bigger in the pictures.
The original poster is right. This razor is VERY mild. If you are just starting out this is the razor for you. I don;t think you could nick yourself if you tried, and the shave is smooth and comfortable. It takes some work to get a BBS shave, and I didn't quite manage it this morning. I guess I need a more aggressive razor. But for those days when all I want is a FAST shave without having to worry, this is the go-to machine.
I got one of these as my second razor, after a basic merkur. It was a much much better starter razor. Not very aggressive, a small, maneuverable head... I think this is a very good starter razor.
I've since moved on as my technique improved, but I've still got it. It's waiting for one of my friends to say "so, I was thinking of trying..." and I can loan it out as a forgiving way to learn.
Low aggressiveness is a virtue for the beginner, not a vice.
Price is highly variable. You can find a tech in need of cleaning for $1 or a pristine British Tech for $20. My favorite techs were the cheapest I purchased or were thrown in a lot with other razors I was buying.
Quality: It is a 3 piece razor. There isn't much that can go wrong on it. Most of the techs that I have seen have been just as mechanically sound now as they were when made. Plating is a different issue. A lot of techs I have handled have had plating and brassing issues. Just tells me that they are great razors and were well loved and used by their original owners.
Not all techs are the same. I know techs have a reputation as being as being a mild razor; however, some of the older techs can hold their own and are smoother than Merkur HDs or feather portables. On the other hand, some of the techs I have tried have been in perfect condition, but couldn't give me a close shave without way too many passes.
A 3 piece such as this is not as easy to change blades on. Sometimes the blade sticks a bit to the head (change when dry, not wet!). You also have a tendency to want to hold the head (with blade) in your hand when you tighten or loosen the head from the handle. Either of these moves gives a good oppurtunity to get cut. If you don't respect the tech and take care, you are likely to cut yourself. That being said, I have never cut myself with my tech in this fashion.
Balance is fine on either the ball end of fat handled tech. However, I don't like the feel of the shorter travel handle.