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Your thoughts on Simpson's brushes?

There are very few (if any) bad models, however with all of the variation it can be intimidating to figure out what is the right one for you.

There should be a poll about bad designs. Sorry I have no Simpson brush from the current production.
I am a fan of brushes in general and Simpson's in particular. They make plenty of great models and there should be one (or more) to fit your requirements.
I have Rooney, Saville Row and Shavemac brushes that are great, but I just prefer Simpson brushes. They have so many vastly different models from which to choose, so you're more than likely to find a Simpson branded brush to satisfy your shaving style.

When choosing between quality of hair, I'm in Simpson's best camp. The Duke, Chubby, and Polo series in best are tip-top, dense brushes. I think they're an outstanding value too.
Thanks for all of your opinions, I really appreciate it. I think I'm going to get a Simpsons Persian Jar 3 in two-banded super badger from Superior Shave.
I cannot imagine my rotation without a few simpsons in it...

Neither can I.

But the thing I like most is the variety, not just of models but within models. It is very possible you could purchase a Duke 2 in best, hate it, purchase another Duke 2 and love it.

Thanks for all of your opinions, I really appreciate it. I think I'm going to get a Simpsons Persian Jar 3 in two-banded super badger from Superior Shave.

Good choice


But the thing I like most is the variety, not just of models but within models. It is very possible you could purchase a Duke 2 in best, hate it, purchase another Duke 2 and love it.
And for me, this is absolutely the worst trait that Simpson exhibits. A Duke 2 should be a Duke 2 should be a Duke 2. Having to try and make distinctions between different models and their characteristics is one thing and a justly accepted part of the process, but having to go through two or three acquisitions of the same brush to find one you might really like shouldn't be how we have to go about it.

I use Simpson brushes for the vast majority of my shaves. I really enjoy using them. But I still can't get over the variances in the same model brush from piece to piece. In loft height, knot size and density. Lots of folks are content to overlook all of that with the blanket statement that "they're handmade." I'm not one of them.
I've got 2 Simpsons brushes and a third on the way.
A Duke 3 which I use for travel, an Eagle 3 which I really don't use much. I like the handle, but the knot is a little too stiff for me.
The last one is on the way from overseas. It's a vintage butterscotch M1 handle they stuffed with silvertip hair.
I can't wait to get it back.

So I guess i'm saying some are good, some are not so good and some are great. You'll have to buy them all to find out! :tongue_sm


The wife's investment
Now that Vulfix owns the Simpson brand, is there any difference between the two brands? I just got a Vulfix 2235 in super, it is very nice and not a single hair has shed. How much softer is the Simpson?
I have three Simpson brushes: The Colonel, an X2 Commodore, and a Wee Scot, all in Best Badger. I think they're terrific brushes, thought the Colonel sheds a bristle from time to time. The Wee Scot is ideal as a travel brush and fits perfectly into a standard restaurant salt shaker, allowing it to dry out during transport. Simpsons have a nice, old-fashioned, Old World look to them.


Loves a smelly brush
I love them. I have a Chubby 1 Super. Once my finances are more in order I'll own at least 1 more as well in Manchurian or Silvertip 2-Band. I've tried pretty much everything in the high end and Simpson brings something unique with their brushes that I don't find in other brushes. I've tried Rooney brushes and I like my Chubby 1 Super more than the Super hair from Rooney and I haven't found another badger that gives a similar feel.
I have one and only one Simpson, it's a Chubby 1 Best, i received it as a BD gift from my son along with some B&R Latha soap and aftershave and I have to say it's a great brush as it's super dense and has shed maybe one or two hairs since I got it almost a year ago and still looks the same since getting.


System Generated
This is an old thread, but since it was bumped, I'll add my 2 cents from the last time I posted in it. I hate to admit it, but my Butterscotch Manchurian M7 has turned out to be one of the best brushes I have ever owned or used.

I'm not sure if all the Manchurians are like this, but mine from a couple years ago, has no scritch and no scrub, just the way I like it. The handle speaks for itself and is flawless. I have other brushes with more sentimental value, cost/performance may be better, funkier colors (disco etc) but the M7 is likely my best overall brush.
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Ok, so I've gone overboard on Simpson brushes. I purchased a Chubby 2 and a Duke 3 both in best badger about a month ago. I've quickly added a Classic 2, Chubby 2 and Duke 2 all in best badger hair. I didn't need all these brushes and SWMBO wasn't aware of my obsession. (Well, she sort of is aware). To those who suggest that Simpson quality control is not what it should be, well I feel sorry for guys who fall for that as an excuse not to indulge in one. These brushes are simply amazingly dense and soft. I have no desire to try any other brand now. I've found the best shaving brushes available and they are what I'm using. I did the same thing with 1911 handguns. Once I found Kimbers' value in terms of reliability, accuracy, options and all the rest I didn't need to keep searching for better 1911's. Mine all put them into one hole and never malfunction if I do my job. I'm off track here, but I hope you get the point. Simpson brushes are to me the ultimate luxury shaving item. Sorry for the rant.
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