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Do you carry with a round in the chamber?

Do you carry with a round in the chamber?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Sometimes

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In an awe ... situation, it has to be as simple and quick as possible. Racking a round in makes for good TV, but will leave you dead in real life. Likewise external safeties. If your gun has one, drill with it until it is a natural part of your draw, no thought about it. Not just a box or two, but hundreds and hundreds of rounds. You will fight like you train and practice. 14 years law enforcement I've seen some strange stuff on the range, from officers that should be proficient.
I would say always carry with a round chambered. In my opinion if you aren't ready to carry that way you should not carry. This is not to discourage people from CC just that they should be comfortable with their specific weapon before CC. Once back in the states I plan on applying for LEOSA CC.
Strangely, revolver, yes; semi, no. It is how I was trained. But not because it is dangerous to or not. Finger off the trigger till you mean to put it there is the issue, I think. When I draw a semi I tap/rack - partly because of consistency with home pick up but it is my motor program. I do that practicing with a blue gun too. I also put off hand to chest when picking things up around the house. I just want to be consistent in presentation.
Yes. Always one in the chamber. Glock 26 and Glock 36, Colt Government Model 70. Otherwise...........it's a club! :tongue_sm

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A good holster will all but guarantee nothing will go bang unless you make a concerted effort to have it do so.


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
I just recently got my carry permit and the past few weeks have been the first time I've ever carried a loaded weapon on me at all times.

I have been carrying without a round in the chamber. I have been carrying the Ruger LCP with no safety. I thought it was best if I carried without one in the chamber while I got used to having the gun on me. Walking, bending, sitting, in general just moving around. It does take a bit of adjustment and "getting used to it".

I realize this has put me at a disadvantage but it's a risk I was willing to take. I feel that it's time to chamber a round and keep it that way.

I'm just curious where the group here stands. If you have a gun without a safety do you keep a round chambered?

All guns have the best safety created, the very second they are picked up, handled and carried by a responsible, competent, determined and safe person, who takes firearms seriously.

So the question is @Toothpick, are you this person? Let's see now, You are a Moderator of the largest shave forum on the internet. Seems to me, the powers that be, have already judged and considered you, responsible and competent. You have taken all the necessary classes, forms, training and requirements to purchase your firearm, learn the laws and responsibilities that your State requires and have shown safe handling and function of your weapon.

Sounds like to me, you have 3 of the 4 things on the list covered, save "Determination." Are you still rockin' that bad *** beard? Because if you are, while moderating a "shave forum" for God sakes, can't get any more determined then that.

Carry a round in the chamber already... ;)
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"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
ALWAYS have a round chambered. If you are afraid to carry with a round in the chamber, you have not had enough training and or practice in real world gun handling. Being able to shoot a nice group on paper at the range under controlled conditions is not enough. If you were taught to carry without a round in the chamber, then you were poorly trained by a bureaucratic entity that was more concerned with liability issues than the real world survival of the gun carrier. If you are still afraid to carry with a round in the chamber (not directed at the OP, but the readership in general) then you should not carry. In fact don't even get out of bed, you might get hurt, the world is dangerous. But you will still die, eventually. Or take responsibility for your own safety and be prepared to do what's needed when the SHTF without warning or time to rack the slide.
All I can say is WOW. Where I live having to carry a concealed weapon loaded with the safety off is unfathomable. Don't get me wrong, I'm not really an anti-gun fanatic by any stretch. All I would say is that if you feel you need to walk around like that perhaps it's time to move?? Just say'in.


"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
All I can say is WOW. Where I live having to carry a concealed weapon loaded with the safety off is unfathomable. Don't get me wrong, I'm not really an anti-gun fanatic by any stretch. All I would say is that if you feel you need to walk around like that perhaps it's time to move?? Just say'in.
I don't advocate not using a safety, I advocate always having the chamber loaded. To each his own. Not exactly sure what you are refering to "...if you feel you need to walk around like that...". Are you suggesting that you can predict when you will need to be armed and when you won't? Relative safety is largely an illusion. There are no "safe" neighborhoods or cities. Sure, certain areas have less violent crime than others, but there is never a guarantee of safety. "Society" can collapse within hours of a major disruptive event. A deranged person can get into a gated community or other upscale neighborhood. How often have you seen a news story of some tragedy and the survivors/witnesses stating that: "nothing like that has ever happened here"?
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Understandable. I guess what I am thinking of is more of a societal issue. If people so nervous about violence they need to carry a loaded gun around...... Just thinking maybe step back for a sec with an open mind and evaluate that society. Not really trying to offend. Just an observation which everybody can take or leave. I'm probably not the best to comment on this though. I live in semi-rural Canada. It's never been a problem for anyone i know.
I don't advocate not using a safety, I advocate always having the chamber loaded. To each his own. No exactly sure what you are refering to "...if you feel you need to walk around like that...". Are you suggesting that you can predict when you will need to be armed and when you won't? Relative safety is largely an illusion. There are no "safe" neighborhoods or cities. Sure, certain areas have less violent crime than others, but there is never a guarantee of safety.
Understandable. I guess what I am thinking of is more of a societal issue. If people so nervous about violence they need to carry a loaded gun around...... Just thinking maybe step back for a sec with an open mind and evaluate that society. Not really trying to offend. Just an observation which everybody can take or leave. I'm probably not the best to comment on this though. I live in semi-rural Canada. It's never been a problem for anyone i know.
I have evaluated society. That's why I carry.
There is no such thing as Utopia. If you think there is you are either delusional, or making up a place in you're mind where you would like to live. I am well aware of the "every time you walk out the door, you could get hit by a car theory) If that is the case well than that is totally out of you're control and is in the hands of a higher power...? On the other side of that coin is a situation which may involve gun play. In that case scenario if you are prepared you may have a choice in the outcome of that situation. Just a view from the cheap seats....Everybody please have a safe Holiday.

Best Regards
Understandable. I guess what I am thinking of is more of a societal issue. If people so nervous about violence they need to carry a loaded gun around...... Just thinking maybe step back for a sec with an open mind and evaluate that society. Not really trying to offend. Just an observation which everybody can take or leave. I'm probably not the best to comment on this though. I live in semi-rural Canada. It's never been a problem for anyone i know.

I don't know anyone that carries that does so because they feel like they're in any sort of imminent danger. That's certainly not the case for me. I've never lived anywhere dangerous (and there are very few places in the US that one could call dangerous - those that are are in small parts of the big cities). I carry because I want to be prepared. Given my lifestyle (don't do drugs, don't hang out in bars late at night, living in a rural area, etc), my chance of ever needing to use my carry weapon is very remote. However, if that time ever comes there will be two states I can be in - prepared with lethal force and not prepared with lethal force. I want to be prepared. No amount of law enforcement can ever replace that preparation at the moment of need. When you need protection from violence, the police are minimum 5 minutes away. The game is over in less than 1 minute. Police are there to provide generalized protection and deterrence, and do the necessary paperwork after an incident (sorry Rob, and other fine officers here :) ). Note, I am also prepared with non-lethal force (pepper spray), so I have choices. I carry a firearm for the same reason I carry a knife and a flashlight - to be prepared. Granted, I'll use the knife and flashlight a lot more...

So, all in all, I don't feel it really says much, if anything, about society other than no matter the society there is the possibility that someone might try to hurt you. There's no possible way to eliminate that threat. I totally get that for many (most), there doesn't seem to be a need to take any special effort to provide for one's own defense, but that's just what makes us different as individuals. For me, providing that last line of defense for myself, my loved ones, and others is important. It's just comes naturally to me.
Well said. You have some great points! I guess I am not concerned (or naive). I don't think the subject of getting a gun has ever come up in our house. It's just something that doesn't even enter my mind if that's understandable. As with DE shaving YMMV :) To each their own.
I don't know anyone that carries that does so because they feel like they're in any sort of imminent danger. That's certainly not the case for me. I've never lived anywhere dangerous (and there are very few places in the US that one could call dangerous - those that are are in small parts of the big cities). I carry because I want to be prepared. Given my lifestyle (don't do drugs, don't hang out in bars late at night, living in a rural area, etc), my chance of ever needing to use my carry weapon is very remote. However, if that time ever comes there will be two states I can be in - prepared with lethal force and not prepared with lethal force. I want to be prepared. No amount of law enforcement can ever replace that preparation at the moment of need. When you need protection from violence, the police are minimum 5 minutes away. The game is over in less than 1 minute. Police are there to provide generalized protection and deterrence, and do the necessary paperwork after an incident (sorry Rob, and other fine officers here :) ). Note, I am also prepared with non-lethal force (pepper spray), so I have choices. I carry a firearm for the same reason I carry a knife and a flashlight - to be prepared. Granted, I'll use the knife and flashlight a lot more...

So, all in all, I don't feel it really says much, if anything, about society other than no matter the society there is the possibility that someone might try to hurt you. There's no possible way to eliminate that threat. I totally get that for many (most), there doesn't seem to be a need to take any special effort to provide for one's own defense, but that's just what makes us different as individuals. For me, providing that last line of defense for myself, my loved ones, and others is important. It's just comes naturally to me.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Guys, let's stay on point.

Do you carry with a round in the chamber?

We don't need to address issues in society or where we choose to live (or don't live) as to why or why not to carry a loaded weapon.


"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
Back on topic, have you ever racked the slide on a handgun and it not go fully into battery? Why would you risk that in an emergency? Some guns will not feed well by "sling shotting" the slide and are designed to feed by releasing the slide lock to feed the first round out of a magazine, to do otherwise may compromise reliably. Under the stress of a life or death situation your fine motor skills will be non- existent and it will be SO easy to fumble the loading process.
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All I can say is WOW. Where I live having to carry a concealed weapon loaded with the safety off is unfathomable. Don't get me wrong, I'm not really an anti-gun fanatic by any stretch. All I would say is that if you feel you need to walk around like that perhaps it's time to move?? Just say'in.
I live in one of the highest per capita income neighborhoods in the USA. Two years ago, in broad daylight, a Mexican drug cartel, pulled off a hit on one of their attorneys at an outside mall.
The dredge of society always follows the money.
I always carry with a round in the chamber. That includes my LCP. The stock LCP has around an 6 pound trigger pull, so its not like a cocked SA/DA pistol. Besides, its designed to be ready to fire as soon as its in your hand.

Not to mention the fact that if you keep you're finger out of the trigger guard your weapon will never discharge. I have only one time been witness to a true accidental discharge of a handgun and that was in RVN. Eddie Z. was humpin the M-60 and carried a sidearm a M1911, he rested his hand on his holster and the gun discharged.... I have over the years seen several negligent discharging of a handgun....Sadly.
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